the only logical l reason why the end did'nt come

by nowwhat? 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mrsjones5

    The only logical reason is none of it was ever true.

  • mP

    It did come, it came when the ROmans destroyed Jeruslame in 70. Given the gospels were written after this its not prophecy but religious style fake prophetic story telling. If you read marks account including Jesus visions and match it against Josephus account you will see they match.

  • greendawn

    The so called end is a red herring so it never had any real validity to begin with and if someone cried out "wolf" falsely so many times his credibility is pretty much finished just due to these repeated falsifications of his predictions-promises-intimidations. They are playing with people's yearning for a better world to get them under their control and exploit them: you can be saved and enter the new world if you obey us and do whatever we tell you as inspired in us by God

    But: will an end come at the time they say or, more importantly, in the way they say? Even if a better world is near can someone gain entry into it through their organisation?

    Some of the history of the end of this world: it goes back to the days of the prechristian Jews who were expecting the Messiah and his New Kingdom, the new world. Eventually some Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah whereas most Jews rejected him as a false prophet and a failed Messiah since he ended up getting crucified and never brough the New Kingdom.

    The Jewish Christians passed on to the Gentile Christians the belief of a resurrected Jesus (so that the hope of deliverence from oppression was not lost with his death but rather enhanced) and a soon to come new world and they were all expecting it in their days but it never came. Obviously they got it wrong. Since then countless times the new world was predicted to come any time soon but it is still to come.

    Who knows and who can tell when and how exactly the new world will come?

  • Larsinger58

    The "end of the system of things" in the context of the Jews Jesus was speaking of was the "end" of the "appointed times of the nations." It was not the end of the world as we know it in generation.

    The Jews were being punished and were under gentile rule. Then they were punished by going into exile. They would remain in exile until the "appointed times of the nations" ended. When that occurred, they would be restored to their homeland again and thus the "end of the system of things" of the gentile times would occur. They were not concerned about Armageddon, but when they would have control over their homeland again.

    Therefore, the "end" that is mentioned in Matthew occurred on November 30, 1947.

    The specific reference that the "good news" would be preached around the world just before the end came is a very specific fulfillment. That is, earlier that year in 1947, Brother Knorr literally went on a worldwide preaching tour. This proved the good news had reached around the globe but it also literally fulfilled this prophecy. That is, when the "good news" was preached around the globe during this speaking tour, then is when the "end" of the gentile times would occur, which it did on November 30, 1947.

    So this prophecy was fulfilled! Truly, if one does not have the correct understanding or interpretation then it might seem prophecies in the Bible have not come true.

    "Proclaimers" Page 98: "With a view to worldwide expansion, on February 6, 1947, the Society’s president and his secretary, Milton G. Henschel, embarked on a 47,795-mile [76,916 km] world service tour. The trip took them to islands of the Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, the Mediterranean area, Central and Western Europe, Scandinavia, England, and Newfoundland. It was the first time since 1933 that representatives of the Society’s headquarters staff in Brooklyn had been able to visit their brothers in Germany. Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world followed the two travelers as reports of the trip were published in issues of The Watchtower throughout 1947."

    So this prophecy was fulfilled. NH Knorr literally preached the "good news" worldwide early in 1947, and then the "end" came on November 30, 1947.

    WAKE-UP CALL: Now, think about this folks. Think of the context of the "great tribulation" that most witnesses think is Armageddon noted in Matthew 24. People are told to flee to the mountains. How can that save you from Armageddon? Women with small children will sufer a fate worst than those who are able to run? Is that really Armageddon? Plus, the days were cut short for the sake of the "holy ones" for if not, "no flesh would be saved." That is, this tribulation would wipe out even more of the "holy ones." Does Armageddon exterminate holy ones along with the wicked at Armageddon? NO. This "great tribulation" which is clearly over before the messiah arrives is a reference to the HOLOCAUST and the "holy ones" who are killed in the majority is a reference to the Jews. When the prophecy mentions "flesh" it is talking about the literal Jews.

    So fulfillment of prophecy is 100% dependent on the right understanding. You now have the right understanding, and thus you can see this was beautifully fulfilled!! The "end" is not Armageddon, but the end of the gentile times, which ended on November 30, 1947. Before that, NH Knorr preached the "good news" around the globe, fulfilling this prophecy.

    Jehovah grants understanding to those he chooses. Clearly the WTS is out of that loop! But all of us don't have to be. The true understanding of these prophecies is available now for those who want that truth.

  • mP


    The Jews were being punished and were under gentile rule. Then they were punished by going into exile. They would remain in exile until the "appointed times of the nations" ended. When that occurred, they would be restored to their homeland again and thus the "end of the system of things" of the gentile times would occur. They were not concerned about Armageddon, but when they would have control over their homeland again.

    Therefore, the "end" that is mentioned in Matthew occurred on November 30, 1947.

    Utter rubbish, Jesus in Mark is describing the Roman destruction of Jerusalem. Jesus lived in the 30s, and the generation that saw the destruction would have been around 40 years later in 70 when the "world" ended for them when the temple was pulverised. The son of man, that did this was TItus, his father as emperor was the god. Caesars back then were often counted as Gods which is true, as they could take life, and give it they just were not supernatural.

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