Jehovah Witness Pastors Has A Sheep in their Care Arrested.
Hi my name is David Wiltshire and I have suffered horribly from the hand of my pastors. Because I know longer believe the Jehovah’s Witnesses are the only True Religion I was Disfellowshipped from all Jehovah’s Witnesses I can’t even come over their houses any more, they refuse to return my greetings.
The worst torture that they have put on me is that my little grand daughter, who I used to give horsy back rides to can’t even be allowed so visit with me for fear both she and her parents could be disfellowshipped. The Watchpower teaches that you can’t fellowship with disfellowshipped persons, so they are good Jehovah Witnesses and obey the WatchPower.
Some say the Jehovah witness religion is a mind control cult. The way mind control works is that you have to get your victim to believe that your group is special and that God only works through the leaders. Once a person accepts this as true they are now easy to manipulate to do what ever you ask because to defy the leaders is the same as defying God himself.
Join the Watchtower or you will die.
Only Jehovah's Witnesses have the TRUTH all other religions EVIL and from the Devil.
You must beleive the Watchtower or you're going to die a painful death forever, isn't that really GOOD NEWS?