New Baptism Requirement?

by The Searcher 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82

    There is no organization-wide requirement like that.

    Someone on the local body of elders appears to have a large pole implanted in an orifice, though. It's apparently not enough to be "active in the ministry", the prospective baptizee must also have a "well-rounded ministry" including "following up on interest shown".

    Philip was clearly running ahead of the organization in allowing the Ethiopian to get baptized without reviewing his time-papyrus first.

  • NVR2L8

    I agree with DOC, the elders may feel that the publisher has still not shown the commitment level they expect. It may also be a way to tell him he is not ready yet without breaking his enthusiasm.

  • cedars

    As others have said, it isn't standard practice. Sounds like the local elders are just being arseholes.


  • Balaamsass

    May have been a local elder trying to get the kid to wait. Some Elders childern were being forced to be little trained Parrots and didn't know what they were getting into. If they couldn't reason on WHY they wanted to commit to WTBTS I flunked some of them on the questions when i was an elder. I just couldn't go along with the entire child baptisim thing. I know, I know...i am an ass

  • mythreesons

    They are interpreting having 'an active share in the field ministry'...the way they see fit. Yep, just a bunch of guys inforcing the rules the way they want.

    As Cofty said, they are doing people a favor. Some want to see placements...if someone reports 8 hrs every month but no placements or RVs then many elders will say...that's NOT having an active share....just typical BS.

    Going beyond things written in the Bible is their MO. They are going by what is written in the Watchtowers, OD or Flock books. Big difference, huh?

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