Why not give everyone tactical nukes. The mutually assured destruction will surely prevent killing and make everyone feel safer.
Another solution for reducing USA firearm homicide rate
by besty 18 Replies latest social current
Theocratic Sedition
If everyone had a concealed gun life would be like a combination of The Walking Dead and a Spaghetti Western.
They did not have concealed handguns in the Sphagetti Westerns.
Theocratic Sedition
They did not have concealed handguns in the Sphagetti Westerns.
Ha! touche' touche'........
9000 firearm homicides a year in the USA
Only 600 of those were by us - the good guys - law enforcement + justifiable action by Joe Sixpack
Now that means the bad guys are winning 15:1 - ouch - time to redress the balance...but how?
You are leaving out a very important number. You did not report the number of assaults that failed because the good guy wounded or scared the bad guy away. Getting killed is only one possible outcome when a gun is used. Also, how many of those incidents are bad guys offing other bad guys, like in gun fights? Without those numbers, your premise could be faulty and you wouldn't know it.
Deputy Dog
Without those numbers, your premise could be faulty and you wouldn't know it.
He knows but doesn't care. It fits his agenda. Remember, just the sight of a gun scares some people.
I don't have a number, but, I've delt with thousands of people (good guys and bad guys) with guns everyday I haven't lost yet.
Why not give everyone tactical nukes. The mutually assured destruction will surely prevent killing and make everyone feel safer.
Simon ...
LOL ... I thought I was the only one doing sarcasm here ... I was publicly reproved here when I suggested that all school children should be given handguns to protect themselves.
I like your idea with the nukes. That would be a great deterrent in schools or at football games, etc. If everyone could just press a button and we are all dead ...welll ... I guess in the minds of some that would make us a lot safer ... lol.
Peace brother.
Rub a Dub
Kurt Bethel- LOVED IT "Denny Crain" !!