the mess in the west continued

by Hortensia 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    Well, 60 or 70-car crash last night near Siskiyou summit, due to ice on the road. There's a traffic cam right about there, near Holbrook, looks pretty bad tonight too.

    Heavy snow tonight and tomorrow, should be fun. Down to 16 degrees F. last night, pretty cold for a southern California gal who lives in NorCal now.

    Have to take a pair of pliers out with me tomorrow, I have to turn a doohicky on the front wheels so I can use my 4WD, old-fashioned but very reliable vehicle. My hands just aren't strong enough to turn the darned things.

    Yes, indeedy, looks like winter. BTW I am giving myself the award for MOST TRIVIAL POSTS ON JWN

    I bet you're all jealous.

  • clarity

    Hortensia ... wow didn't know that you got much snow

    in California! Good thing you have 4 wheel drive.


    Here in Pacific Coast, some snow but mostly freezing winds!

    Our snow is mostly melty & icy and here ... it

    almost shuts the place down


    Up north the tires kind of freeze to the road instead of slip,

    so they do alright.

    now is that boring enough for you.


  • kurtbethel

    Holbrook? You really are at the roof of California. Perhaps one time I will tell the story of how I smuggled a box of Oregon cherries through the agricultural station near there. Or maybe not.

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    Hello Hortensia,

    Funny, were I live, Local Surfer and Skater Dudes call it NorCal. , but it's really Central Cal , if you think about it.. (Oh, and saying/typing 'cali' is an abomination..hehe)

    Hope you can get that doohicky turned.

    Oh and to add to your 'trival posts' , my cat , who has a new name 'Killer'. Well, she brought in a kill and layed it out on the carpet. It looked like a Dexter crime scene. Blood spatter and organs every were. I stepped on some. Eww, felt like snails with out a shell.

    A question too. Is it 'nt or n't ? ( cause I was taught 'nt)

    It will get very cold tonight and my suculients will turn to bitter popcicles.

    Stay warm

  • free2beme

    Drove that section a thousand times. People just need to slow down, one idiot can make a mess.

  • LV101

    Eva Luna --- the apostrophe goes where the omission of the letter is --- didn't (the "o" is omitted). That was the rule in the dark ages. I need to find the topic a few days ago about quotes --- I always thought the comma and period went inside the quotes and have heard otherwise thus end up doing it both ways, which is wrong. Central Cal --- spent a lot of time there. The good ole San Joaquin Valley. I miss the fog but not driving in it.

    Northern California must be very cold because it's going below 25 tonite in the desert. Hopefully we'll get some of the snow for Christmas.

  • Hortensia

    KurtBethel, you are in my old stamping grounds. I grew up in San Diego. Were the cherries worth it? Yummy Oregon cherries.

    Clarity, I live on Mount Shasta, high enough for some significant snow. However, my sister in Indiana says California snow is tourist snow. Where she lives they get the real thing. Prediction is three to four feet here tomorrow. I'm not sure I believe it. I'll let you know if it happens.

    Eva Luna, I've always wondered about that -- to me the Bay area is more central California than Northern. And I agree, Cali is an abomination.

    Free2bme -- you're right, quite often people are just driving too damn fast. Last night I think it was a big truck that slid on the ice first, then the accidents just kep piling up. Me, I'm planning on staying in tomorrow if we really get that much snow.

    EL - give "Killer" a pat on the head for me

  • free2beme

    They're even calling for snow here in Medford. With 12 inches possible in Mr Shasta. Going to be a white Christmas at this pace.

  • kurtbethel

    The cherries were worth it, especially the pies that were produced from that haul.

    Do tell about the Sandy Eggo connection. Encinitas? Mission Beach? La Mesa? Lots of variety packed into this county.

  • Balaamsass

    Hortensia- You live ON Mt Shasta? Are you one of the purple people or Mt Spirits?

    It is COLD....brrrrrr in the valley ...20s. STAY WARM.

    Check your owners manual on your 4x4. Some old units need to back up 3 ft before the "switch" moves easily. It is good to run the 4x4 off road a few minutes a month to keep it all lubed and moving ok.

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