I'm with Flipper - ALL OF THEM !!
Which of the 5 weekly meetings did you hate the most?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Theocratic Sedition
Hated the book study!!!! Sitting in some little room with the thermometer set at hell and the conducter doing his best Ben Stein imitation while discussing the seven trumpet blasts. Only a select few in the audience would comment and that mandated me to participate as I was a Ministerial Servant at the time. The other thing that sucked was getting off of work and rushing to get back home so I could change clothes and clean up and for what? To sit somewhere for an hour discussing something that I can't even remember nowadays. All that retarded crap stuffed into one hour, the Jonadab class, the seven trumpet blasts, the measuring rod and what the inches represented, and unlimited lessons in stupidity!!! One last thing, I was layed off from work one summer and the unemployment checks weren't cuttin it so I was quite active in looking for a job. I turned down a few jobs because of the emphasis placed on attending the book study. There were comments made back then that it might be the most important of our meetings especially with the Great Tribulation looming. In fact, the book study was so damn important that those cocksuckers known as the Governing Body decided to get rid of it as we knew it at the time and merge into the midweek meeting. That was the beginning of me starting to wonder if they were full of shit.
Nowadays I hate the meeting for field service and the Service Meeting. It's like a game of charades where we mimic someone's interpretation of 1st Century Christianity and pat ourselves on the back because what we're doing is so important. The demonstrations are often unprepared, stereotypical of nonJWs, or have unrealistic outcomes of what the householder will do if you prepare.
Service Meeting Demo as follows........
Dub: (taps mic to mimic door knocking and it's obvious mic isn't on; audience looks back at soundman who suddenly remembers he forgot to turn the volume up on the microphone. During that same time, the dub on stage gets the bright idea that maybe he has the mic off but it was actually already on with the sound not being turned up. So that dub moves the switch to off thinking he's turning it on. He taps the mic again and then looks back. By that time the stage-man walks up to the platform, takes the mic, and turns it on.
Dub: (taps mic to mimic knocking) G'mornin!
Householder: G'mornin neighbor!
Dub: I was in your neighborhood this morning posing this question to your neighbors, What do you think happens when you die?
Householder: You know, I was just thinking about that very question!!
Dub: Well let me show you what the Bible says! (householder takes the microphone so dub can manage locating Ecclesiastes and read it to householder)
Householder: Amazing! I've wondered for so long what the truth was concerning what happens when I die! Do you have a book I can read?
Dub: Yes I do!! I'd be more than happy to study this book entitled, What Does the Bible Really Teach? with you! How about I come back next week at this same time?
Householder: Why wait until next week, can we study a chapter or two together now? (audience smiles approvingly)
Speaker: (steps to mic) Thank you sisters for that wonderful demonstration. (looks at audience) Ya see friends how simple it is?
Reality as follows that following Saturday................
Dub: (partner rings doorbell, householder opens door cleary disturbed) G'mornin, I was in the neighborhood posing this question to your neighbors, What do you think happens when we die?
Householder: (nonchalantly) Fuck outta here. (slams door)
Dub: (to partner) Are we writing down Not-At-Homes?
Partner: I can't remember? Panara's bathroom run?
Dub: Lets!!!!!!!
Are they still doing that Happy Householder demo thing? i remember sitting thru those phony setups as a kid forty years ago! Once someone had the bright idea to add the music that they play on "Leave it to Beaver" and those other sitcoms when a new scene happens when they're sitting at the kitchen table or something, they even dimmed the lights to give the impression that is was special or something. . . yeah, that helped.
I hated the Service Meeting most.
ALL of the meetings are bothersome.
Theocratic Sedition
Are they still doing that Happy Householder demo thing?
Yeah Shirley, they still do that. Every, and I mean EVERY demonstration ends in success. What the demo presents on the stage is the exact opposite of what happens when in field service.
Without a doubt, the Book Study.
It was just because when it was on a separate evening, it took up the entire evening. We always had it from 7:30-8:30 or 8:00-9:00PM so that by the time you got home on a week night, you didn't have much time to go out and do anything.
If it was from like 6-7PM we could have come directly from work and be home by 7:30PM and have the rest of the evening available.
Rub a Dub
THEOCRATIC SEDITION : Your whole post made me laugh! Especially when you wrote:
The other thing that sucked was getting off of work and rushing to get back home so I could change clothes and clean up and for what? To sit somewhere for an hour discussing something that I can't even remember nowadays. All that retarded crap stuffed into one hour, the Jonadab class, the seven trumpet blasts, the measuring rod and what the inches represented, and unlimited lessons in stupidity!!!
I remember getting off work at 7:00 p.m. on Monday nights, throwing food in my mouth and rushing home to shower and get dressed for the Book study. The book we were studying was, '' THE NATIONS SHALL KNOW THAT I AM JEHOVAH'' HOW?
Talk about stupidity! The study was about the book of EZEKIEL and how the UNITED NATIONS would turn on the Jehovah's Witnesses. My brain still hurts!
I hated the book study also. I remeber studying the book of revelation. That damn thing was so confusing and here, people are trying to make it fit modern day life.
Amelia Ashton
If all the meetings were equally important I would need to know why we could not get Our Kingdom Ministry on time, why we only got 1 public talk per month and why when we did the Revelation book again only the reader had a copy of the updated version.
It is well documented in JW literature that with the aid of holy spirit vital life saving spiritual food managed to get to all sorts of far flung and dangerous or under ban places but it could not get to us in Spain!
Holy Spirit was a very rare commodity out there.
I thought the WT Study was mindless for anyone over 10. Children often got excited, though, when they got called on and got the answer right.
Regarding the service meeting, wouldn't it have freaked everyone out if the fake householder would have yelled, "Jehovah's Witnesses! I don't want anything to do with a CULT!" and then slammed the "door" in the presenter's face.