The TMS/Service meeting was the most boring and least attended meeting. The brothers droned on and the sisters' talks were verly saccharine and always ended on a positive note. It was also worse thatn the others because it started at 7pm and if you were lucky it ended at 9. We had a few brothers who couldn't manage time to save their lives and five minute talks turned into 20 minutes. Ugh.
Which of the 5 weekly meetings did you hate the most?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 72 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The worst for me was the Watchtower study. So very very painful.
As WTWizard alluded to... the 5 mtgs were like 5 fingers.
if you were hanging over a cliff ... which finger would you let
go? ALL the mtgs sooooo important!!!!
Sooooo important they cancelled that little old redezvous pit without
a backwards glance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I especially hated the bookstudy! It was the worst if
there were cliques, because they could really do a number
on you ...up close and personal!
Seemed like such a waste of effort to dress up mid week,
for an hour!
Dressing up meant pantyhose time, maybe if the gb had to go
out in the winter bare legged... they would ease up on the
"NO trousers for sistas" rule!
Actually all the mtgs, including any 'parties' was a step down!
Haven't been to a mtg for about 5-6 yrs, what great feeling
to know that I don't have to ever wear a dress, skirt, suit or
pantyhose again!!!!!!
Depending on the group,,,Bookstudy was the worst or best. If you had a fun group, short meeting and goodie night, wine and cheese. ..or...Weird a tiny trailer in the sticks..all staring at one another's moles........stick me with a fork....I'm done......I got to GO.
Consistantly: SUNDAY. I'd rather go for a drive or go fishing than listen to the two crazy people in the front row and the child molester in the third row drone on and on.
And the Hillbilly pentecostal convert elder from Coon Holler give the hour talk about annual sex.
Apologies to anyone from "Coon Holler" .
Those "meetings" were the worse. ALL of them! Where in the Bible did the Borg get the idea of 5 meetings? Where? Such a big batch of BS! The one I hated the most was that Mid week double meeting of the TMS and SM. I HATED THOSE WITH A PASSION! ALL those cold or hot nights that you had to be at those meetings. I hated them as a kid and detested them as a adult. I pushed my feelings aside at the time to "please Jehovah". It was worse for me when I worked on the Graveyard and had to leave as soon as the meeting was over to try to catch a quick shut-eye before work
That was supposed to be the Five Finger Grip
so the WTS could be able to stroke the sheep all week long
The Sunday meetings were the worst for me. I would look out the window on a fine summer day and think about all the interesting things I could be doing, rather than sitting in a drab old hall listening to some old guy spout what sounded like absolute BS- and now 24 years later, I know it was BS!
One of the things I started back to after I left was attendin' the softball games that where held in the evenings
I hated all of them, especially the service meeting.
My anxiety attacks are coming back just thinking about those fuckin meetings
def the watchtower i would go to the bathroomaround paragraph 8 and hope when i came out its like paragraph 14 or higher. i would just go on the net with my phone,the wt was always so slow and ppl comments were just recaps of the persons before, the least painful to me was the service meeting prob because 3 15 min parts or whatever seemed to go quicker. to be honest i dont think i have been bored at church at all, man what a world of differance!