Hi everyone
Inspired by minimus's latest thread about controversial topics, I thought it would be interesting if we Brits could have a nice friendly non-confrontational conversation about politics without getting all hot under the collar, thus teaching our more boisterous American counterparts a lesson in how to be dignified in these matters!
I'll start the ball rolling...
My political persuasions are not very well formed yet, since I'm still only fairly recent in exiting the Witnesses and giving serious attention to these sorts of things.
I think if I had been involved as a voter in the last election I would have voted Conservative, but I'm dreading the next election because I suspect my options may be more limited.
There are many things I like and admire about David Cameron, but also things about him that irritate me. I like the way he sticks to his guns and doesn't give in easily on issues he cares about, but this can also make him unresponsive to the national mood at times, making him appear somewhat out of touch with reality. That said, I feel the conservatives are doing their best in a bad situation, making unpopular decisions with the long-term objective of getting our country back on an even keel.
Labour's approach to opposition seems to be to simply criticize everything the Tories try to do, without offering any meaningful or articulate alternatives - especially on the economy. In particular, both me and my wife (who isn't British) despise Ed Milliband with his constant nasal whinging and whining. In many ways, I think it's a shame for Labour that they voted in Ed and not his brother, David. If David Milliband was the leader of the Labour party today, I'm sure they would be a far more effective opposition, and present a more appealing alternative for swing voters like myself.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. Come on you chaps, let's hear yours!