I realize it’s been almost two whole weeks (Alas! Ancient history by contemporary standards!) since the murderous rampage in Newtown, but trying to move this discussion along despite lethargy…
One of the articles cited above put to rest the myth that there is a sub-culture of violence among blacks.
“It would appear that the thesis of a “subculture of violence” among blacks is invalid. Poor whites are killing each other as frequently as poor blacks, well-off blacks as infrequently as well-off whites. If this is true, the implication is that public health efforts are better spent addressing the conditions of poverty than pursuing the issues of culture.”—(Centerwall, Author's Response to "Invited Commentary: Common Wisdom and Plain Truth", American Journal of Epidemiology, 1991, Vol. 134, No. 11, p. 1264)
Marvin Shilmer