2012 report analysis - growth of JWs according to local internet availability

by cedars 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    I did a similar chart to the one below last year, but this year I thought I'd make it slightly more meaningful by giving the statistics across three years rather than just one.

    Hopefully it's fairly self explanatory.

    I'm making the data I've used available in a separate PDF download for those who are interested.

    Growth of JWs according to local internet availability


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Thanks for putting together this piece of research. It shows a correlation if I’ve ever seen one!

    Watchtower’s Governing Body knows perfectly well they can’t hide behind ignorance for much longer. They may be building a new bunker for themselves in rural New York, but taking themselves off trafficked streets and putting themselves behind high security wont stop proliferation of their history and doctrinal antics, not to mention their utter dishonesty.

    There is nothing carefully concealed that will not be revealed.”—Jesus


    Thanks again,

    Marvin Shilmer

  • cobaltcupcake

    What an interesting graph! They do well in proselytizing until you get to the 50% penetration group, then there's a precipitous drop-off. They're goin' down!


    Wow! Information is the enemy of any organization that needs to control it's member through the lack of info! Here is a great quote from http://www.bible.ca/Jw-internet.htm .

    The Internet represents freedom of information. When Witnesses read anything other than the propaganda the Watchtower puts out, they can see truthful gaping holes and rapidly changing theology. In other words, the Governing Body has learned that almost every time any Witness begins to cross-examine the organization, their speed of departure is directly proportionate to their personal honesty towards the facts of history.
  • frankiespeakin

    Mark Twain said: "There are three kinds of lies : lies , damned lies and statistics" I'm sure though that this is not the case with your figures, in fact since you gleaned your figures from a heavily biased source that tries to make a false impression in its propagandic use of what ever it can I suspect the figures are much worse than they print/admit.

    It is clear to see reguardless that where ever the internet is common the WT fares badly. Instead of those grumpy old men on the Governing Body demonizing the Internet they should have been more keen on its value and made a better use of it. It is thier worst enemy because they were a day late and a dollar short in recognizing its usefulness and permanance. The Governing Body instead put its head in the sand and wished it would just go away or armageddon would come, such wishful thinking has got the better of them in the end.

  • cedars

    Thanks everyone.

    It is clear to see regardless that where ever the internet is common the WT fares badly.

    That certainly seems to be what the figures are showing, even if the causation element will always be difficult to prove definitively.

    I was thinking the graph would be more dramatic if I merged the figures into just three or even two categories (i.e. 1-50% and 50-100%), but it's always better to have as much information at your disposal as possible and reach any conclusions based on that.


  • Honeybucket

    can you explain to me how to read this. what is internet availibility

  • TeenageInsider

    I saw in an upcoming watchtower that the ORG 'claims' that they are growing up, rather than slowing down.

    Perhaps its some 'misinformation'

    wouldnt be the first time... :smile:

  • daniel-p

    Interesting. Also, what is going on at 20-29%? In every year, there's a clear valley there.

  • Scott77

    'Internet penetration for a country', what country? unnamed country? Must be specific.



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