who are your favorite preachers? here a few of mine!

by unstopableravens 132 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    DD- First other than this account in the Gospels you do not know that their were thieves in the Temple, second look at the depiction, courtyards and chambers full of adults and a single man comes through with a whip and turns over tables and 'drives' people out, he wasn't using the scourge whip, he wasn't swinging it causing injury, people would have tackled him had he not been armed with the 'scourge'. Like I said, let your Jesus return and we will teach him about Peace instead of his ambition to wipe out the human race.

    mouthy- Thanks for the prayer, last time we spoke you quit the forum for a month so all the best this year and may the year bring you health and peace.

  • mouthy

    Thanks designs....I didnt quit because of you though. I sometimes think I should get off the board
    But having lost all my family( except Sue)your all my family now weather you like it or not

    I am nosy enough to want to know what your all up to....When you get to be my age,no hugs,
    no sex,cant walk staight( looks like I am drunk,that why many folk run to help me when I am out)
    All I have is Sue ( who is out of the WT thank God)of course my other daughter is still captive,
    So dont take offense my love I AM gonna keep you in prayer.

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    Dear, Mouthy

    I know, I'm supposed to love him with the love of Christ. But,... do I have to kiss him too?

  • mouthy

    No DD. But give him a Hug!I wish I could give you a kiss.I hope your well
    Are you looking forward to Blue Mountain???

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I recommended Francis Chan earlier. Here's his example of meeting some JWs:


  • mouthy

    How I wish I had met him. when I was going from door to door. All I ever got was "no Thanks I'm not interested"
    or" No thanks I have my own religion," Except for the 10 I convinced to become one.
    He is GREAT!!!!!!!!Seen it before but worth watching again.

  • unstopableravens

    designs ill hug you!

  • designs

    Hugs are good, thanks

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Like I said, let your Jesus return and we will teach him about Peace instead of his ambition to wipe out the human race.

    This is another one of your lies of course. That was never his "ambition". He died to save humans.

    I’d like to ask you, How would you teach him peace, when YOU are at war with everything he represents? Will you stop warring with God? You seem very proud of your “battles” and “victories”. It appears to me that you want to kill him in every post you direct at me. Are you like the Muslim who won’t surrender until your enemy (The Christ) is vanquished? He surrendered himself to men when he came to earth, and men like you killed him. Why are you trying to kill him again?

  • designs

    DD- The Gospels and Revelations state very plainly that he intends to return and Judge the human race the majority of which do not and will not recognize him as the Messiah so that means he kills us off or sends us to eternal punishment. This is not a man of Peace. Like when the Book of John chapter 2 says he braided a scourge to use on humans he has this premeditating mean streak carefully crafting his revenge. Not my kind of leader.

    Should I be proud of the environmental and social work I do, certainly. Working alone or with groups that want this earth to be a better place for all life forms is not only important but vital. We have just this one earth and we must think in terms of preserving it and making life sustainable for generations to come.

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