since leaving the wt, i have spoted so many false teachers from osteen to creflo dollar, but there is some great men of god who speak truth,who arnt afraid to proclaim the gospel, and who dont cater to tickling mens ears my three favorite are paul washer, steve lawson and john piper. who are yours?
who are your favorite preachers? here a few of mine!
by unstopableravens 132 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember creflo dollar. He is well named. The preacher that started me on the spiritual path, his name is unknown to me. He was quiet and mild spoken, not on radio, from what i know. He did come to our church, at the time, gave a speach. Afterward, he passed down the line of us who were wanting something. To me, he just blew on my stomach. The second time he did it, it felt like an electric shock, all over. I fell down. My opinion, he opened what the easterners call the solar plexis chakra. I moved on from there.
Christ Alone
My top 5 in no particular order:
Francis Chan - Awesome down to earth teacher
John Macarthur - I disagree with him on just a couple issues. But he teaches the Bible like no other and is very solid in interpretation
Greg Laurie - LOVE his style. He's the everymans preacher. Very solid in Bible exposition
Ravi Zacharias - One of the best apologetic preachers ever
Charles Stanley - Old school, and very much still relavent
cat eyes: creflo makes me sick, twisting the biblehe is bad! christ alone:i like ur 2,4,5 and 1,3 i never hears of. you listen to the one steve lawson sermon i gave you,did you like him?
For pure entertainment value (read: laugh at)
Binny Hinn
Robert Tilton
Gene Scott
Jim Bakker/Tammy Faye
Christ Alone
you listen to the one steve lawson sermon i gave you,did you like him?
I did. And it was so compelling that it got me to really examine some of the things I've been thinking about lately, especially as it relates to Robert Bell and his book "Love Wins". Lawson is an awesome and solid preacher.
Christ Alone
Unstop, you've GOT to check out numbers 1 and 3. A couple of my favorites. Wrote some fantastic books too.