The elders came to talk about my facebook comment

by cookiemaster 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • flipper

    COOKIEMASTER- So the elders only drove 30 miles to come interrogate you ? Back in 2007 the elders I knew after I exited the cult in 2003- drove 80 miles - from over an hour and a half away to come interrogate me one month before my marriage about committing alleged " circumstancial fornication " with my fiancé. And I had not attended a meeting in 4 years !

    Listen people- Cookiemaster has it right. " Big brother " , " communist regime ", thought police ", " gestapo ", or just plain " Nazi's " are very accurate descriptions of how the WT Society trains these elders to go after former members. It's best to learn a lesson from this- many of us do NOT post on Facebook for this very reason. Possibly being outed to JW family that we may still need to keep in touch with. One reason I avoid Facebook. Hang in there Cookiemaster- at least your parents are seeing your viewpoint. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • cofty

    My elders did a round trip of 170 miles to try to get evidence from my in-laws.

    All I said was that the JW's were a shitty, destructive cult.

    Yep that would do it.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Back in 2007 the elders I knew after I exited the cult in 2003- drove 80 miles - from over an hour and a half away to come interrogate me one month before my marriage about committing alleged " circumstancial fornication " with my fiancé. And I had not attended a meeting in 4 years !

    80 miles after 4 years, I have no words for that. It's just crazy. Non-jws would not believe stuff like this happens in the WT Org.

  • cappytan
    Back in 2007 the elders I knew after I exited the cult in 2003- drove 80 miles - from over an hour and a half away to come interrogate me...

    What happens in the situation that you look through your peephole when the knock, and just completely ignore them? Do they keep coming back? How many more times will they come back if you keep ignoring their knocks?

    I understand if it's a judicial committee you can't ignore them unless you want to be DF, but if it's just a couple of elders, why do people even open their doors to them if they're faded?

  • cookiemaster
    Flipper, Cofty WOW, these people are nuts. Seriously, it says a lot about their little religion. Look at what great lengths they go to stalk people and enforce their censorship and rules, and at how little they do for those in financial need, sick or old. It especially pisses me off because I didn't post that on my wall. It wasn't for everyone to see. It was a comment at a friend's post. We were having a conversation between ourselves. The JW that spotted me, wasn't in on the conversation. Getting yourself involved in such as thing is like sneaking up on people and listening to what they talk to other friends, then telling everyone about it.
  • FayeDunaway
    Yep. No love lost that he unfriended you.
  • dgeero
    30 miles? Haha that's nothing. My friends mom moved from Southern Oregon to San Francisco and had the elders drive 380 miles after 4 years of having nothing to do with the borg, to tell her they were DFing her because they had somehow heard she had been with a worldly man with no evidence. She kicked one of the brothers in the shin lol. The two elders who drove down there were eventually removed over the matter once it got back to the CO. I guess even they could see that was crazy to harass someone like that.
  • FayeDunaway
    Wow that's a good CO! I wonder if there is more to the story. Maybe they went on a drunken spree while in SF,...or visited the gay scene ;).
  • Ding

    They had to do what they did.

    The whole organization is held together by guilt and fear.

  • freemindfade
    Leaders should have natural abilities and a certain personality that causes them to be a certain way... elders are not this type, generally speaking, especially the further you get from metropolitan areas. They are people who have made nothing of themselves in the real world, and this little witness world puts them on a pedestal for obeying the status quo. So they become nazi, policing, gestapo assholes because they have no business in a position of any kind of leadership. I have the fortune of being in my last two halls where this did not exist, the main members of he elders bodies were not insecure, window cleaners, they were serious, and successful people. They actually admire my desire to not need to be an elder or MS to feel good about myself, they are a different breed and rare in the org. All the rest feel like more spiritual men for being Orwellian assholes

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