For some time now I have been reading numerous indivisual life stories relating to their experience with the jws and one obscure ( or at least not directly elabourated upon) detail keeps popping up.
It would appear that whenever a person leaves the organisation by DA/DF/IA that people take it upon themselves to start spreading "nasty rumours" about the person in question.
It always seems that so much of these said rumours that were frabicated and then propagated throught the local jw community that the poaster almost never seems to have time to goint any detail about what exactaly was said about them in detail.
I would like to invite the posters here on the board to shed some light on their experience regarding their reputation after leaving the KH.
It would appear that once disfelloshipped that the jw community must make it abundantly clear that the person is of absolutely deplorable character inorder to justify their inhumane treatment of the DF'ed indivisual. Saying that there is no honourable way to leave the oragnisation this seems to be rather common place.
I am also informed that even if the DF'ed person were permitted to return that their reputation within the jw community would never be the same due to the tarnishing of their name and the stigma attached to being DF'ed.
I may not be entirely too shure about this one but it would seem that if while still in good standing should the indvisual to become "publicly reproved" or "marked" that this would also be an invitation for the local jw community to begin the same process of defaming the character of the person in question.
Would anyone care to discuss your personall experience relating to any private information which became public knowledge after you left the jw community or any half truths that were deileberately propagated to tarnish your name in the vacinity of the KH. And even worse yet blant lies that were imagined and promoted about you inorder to permanatently damage your character.
I would also be interested in who exactly you think were responsible for the iniation of these rumours.
Was it the elders? Close friend, or even relative?
What exactly was said?
Did they tell your wife that you were having an affair?
Did they make allegations regarding sexual promescuity.(sp?)
Or where any other defamatority statements along those lines?
Thanks for any cooperation.
The Bible is a two edged sword wield it for evil and it you may get hurt.