SD7 I would think they would need to have some means of guiding it to keep it from smashing into stuff. Unless we're to assume God did all the steering or something...
A JW will assume Jehovah steered it, just as Jehovah shut the door and directed the animals to the ark.
L P - My advice would be to try and write it like an academic article in that i mean any reasonings or conclusion deduced should be referenced to evidence supporting your claim.
LP, the article is not aimed at academics, but rather JW's. If JW's were concerned with academic references, they would not be JW's, since little of what is in the Watchtower is ever properly referenced. If you look at the email that I received, you will see the level of reasoning skills of the average JW reader, who dismisses the entire article because it contradicts a JW article, and one that is not even accurate at that. That is why I have tried to make most pf the points simple and logical, where they can be understood without a need of scientific references. That being said, I have referenced most contentious points made in the article, but have noticed at your suggestion that there are a few more that I should add.
MP - Genesis says it rained for 150 days and 40 days.
The flood account is generally accepted by scholars to have been redacted from two different flood legends, hence a few areas that it has these apparent contradictions. It is similar with the two different creation accounts in Gensis 1 and 2.