Is speaking in tongues a felony or a misdemeanor in her area?
Authentic & Real Police Blotter from our Area about a JW
by flipper 17 Replies latest social humour
I can remember talking to some people d2d who asked if jws had starting celebrating Christmas. It seems there was a family down the block that represented themselves as active jws to the neighborhood. I checked around and they had studied with some jws years ago but had never been to the KH ever, never been baptized. I learned then that people have different definitions of what makes them a jw. It seems they cherry picked the WTS beliefs they felt were accurate and rejected some.
fjdjjfjdjskslfjfkmsxjnfkskjfksnj imagine hearing that you would call the police to!
NEONMADMAN- Yeah, very good question. I've never heard of speaking in tongues being a felony or misdemeanor either in any area- except JW kingdom halls ! LOL !
BLONDIE- Interesting experience you shared. Indeed it could be the possibility that this lady is cherry picking what she wants to believe, or even wants to perceive as " speaking in tongues ". Such a strange experience.
UNSTOPPABLERAVENS- Yeah, hearing people speak in tongues IS pretty creepy ! Being a born-in raised JW when I was a kid at age 7 years old my first door I knocked on the householder answered and a lady started speaking in tongues at me and my other kid who was at the door with me ! It was so scary we ran away from the door to the sidewalk where my parents were waiting ! I'll never forget it. Pretty crazy
Flipper you MUST forward that to the SAcramento Bee..perhaps it will get picked up by AP!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE DEMONZZEZZ entered into her parents and chased her!!!!
We enjoyed breaking bread with you guys!
She of little faith , why didn`t she pray to jehovah , ? obviously she didnt think he could help , maybe she would have had more success if she had of contacted the local R.C.preist to do an exorcism of them , but contacting the police ?
wow, very interesting.
BALAAMSASS- Good idea ! I will try to send it to the Sacramento Bee if I get a chance. Yeah, probably demons ! LOL ! it's the JW explanation for ANYTHING that seems negative to them ! LOL ! Been really busy lately. My wife and I sure enjoyed breaking bread with you folks as well ! Give our love to your wife, O.K. ? Look forward to chatting soon with you ! Take care.
SMIDDY- Good point ! Why didn't she contact an RC priest ? The police don't have " exorcism " skills to my knowledge ! LOL ! Maybe Grandma Presbyterian gave her some clothes that were possessed or something. Who knows what far fetched things are happening in this womans house? Anybody's guess.
SCOTT 77- Yeah, I thought it was interesting as well and also really weird