If Jehovah Can Read Hearts Then WHY did he test Abraham by ordering him to kill his son ?
If Jehovah Can Read Hearts Then WHY
by BlindersOff1 301 Replies latest watchtower bible
rip van winkle
Yes, Jehovah could read hearts, but he wasn't a mind reader, silly!
Abraham was suffering from mental illness. He was hearing voices and thought it was God. It just so happened a ram got stuck in the brush. Talk about coincidences.
Jehovah was in the process to switching to a Kindle when it came time to read Abraham's heart, and he missed a few pages when he tried to upload the ebook version.
If Jehovah Can Read Hearts Then WHY did he test Abraham by ordering him to kill his son ?
Jehovah is a psychotic assh*le.
I wonder whether there is a kernel of truth behind the myth of a religious old fanatic who almost sacrificed his son to his god.
Jehovah was in the process to switching to a Kindle when it came time to read Abraham's heart, and he missed a few pages when he tried to upload the ebook version.
Rebel8 - LOL!!!
Where does it say J can read hearts. Jehovah in the OT is never moral, he asks he only asks for worship aka loyalty. There are hundreds maybe more examples where he asks his for what if the names were changed are pure evil. There are many occassions where his never reproaches his favourites for what are again pure evil. King David is the perfect example. Simply because he loves Jehovah he can kill, murder, screw anybody and he does many many times throughout his story.
This personality and qualities of course match what we expect of despots like Hitler and Stalin, and thats because they only want power and exhibit greed. There is no Jehovah he is an invention by the ruling elite of ancient Jewish times, where everything is for their benefit.
It's also intersting that 'god's friend' totally didn't think that request was out of character at all.
I'm not sure it was a test.
Perhaps it was a teaching opportunity. That the point was not only the faith of Abraham -who knew because of God's promise that God was going to make him into a great nation through Isaac, and so he knew that God could/would give Isaac life to fulfill His promise. Isaac would have to live, or at the least be given life back. Paul states something to this effect in the NT, I believe. But also to teach that God does NOT require human sacrifice. Because He stayed Abraham's hand. He was not like the other so-called gods who wanted such sacrifices.
We tend to think that it is a 'test' about obedience... but I think it is more about faith. Faith (knowing) that God would fulfill his promise, no matter that it seemed this would be impossible, according to what was being asked of Abraham. Then it also becomes a lesson about sacrifice to others, and perhaps Abraham as well.