Oh, and PM answered, Tec. The answer is YES! YES! A thousand times YES!
How Modern Christianity has failed Christians
by Christ Alone 277 Replies latest watchtower bible
I see it is a hopeless exercise to get clarity from tec on what she meant by " The evidence can lead him to it." Who is "him", what is "it"?
I often tell myself the opposite of what I want to hear, especially when I know what I need to hear (like, "get off the damn couch and go workout" or "yeah, dumbass, I know you are having fun and all, but it's time stop playing halo and do your expense reports" or "oh, hey,
yeah, I know you REALLY want that titanium framed .44 Magnum revolver, but don't you think you should wait a bit and stop the impulse purchasing regardless of whether or not you can afford it?").
Lol... yeah, I can do that too. But that is not what i am referring to ;)
I see it is a hopeless exercise to get clarity from tec on what she meant by "The evidence can lead him to it." Who is "him", what is "it"?
Well, if you clearly asked that, then i would have known what you were asking, lol.
"The evidence can lead him to it."
Him =the person/christian.
It = the atom.
Since that is what you had asked me about, right? "can a christian even imagine an atom without the guidance of Christ"
I didn't quote your question before i answered it though, so I can see how I was not clear. I did not get that this is what you were asking me about though, with all the many questions from your next post.
Oh, and PM answered, Tec. The answer is YES! YES! A thousand times YES!
Are you sure?
All right then. Evidence can lead the searcher to the atom. From what I understand, you believe Christ is truth. So the searcher, when finding the atom would find Christ also? Or can the atom, like the truth, stand on it's own?
Lol... yeah, I can do that too. But that is not what i am referring to ;)
How is it functionally different?
Are you sure?
I was a bit vague there ... ;)
All right then. Evidence can lead the searcher to the atom. From what I understand, you believe Christ is truth. So the searcher, when finding the atom would find Christ also? Or can the atom, like the truth, stand on it's own?
Finding the atom does not mean that one finds Christ.
Christ could give one the truth about the atom (or something even deeper, not yet discovered in science yet)... but seeing or acknowledging an atom does not mean that one sees or acknowledges Christ.
The atom is just a piece of the puzzle... not the puzzle, itself.
Christ could give one the truth about the atom
It's a shame he doesn't give us some useful knowledge, it could saved so much misery.
...and if Christ let mankind discover it on his own without any guidance, the atom, in truth, is still there, discovered.
The atom exists with or without Christ.
How is it functionally different?
You mean like... end result... different?
Might not be, if you knew what you wanted was not what was best, and you also know what was best and so did that. Probably depends on the situation.
For me, I did not know what would be best... I was well on my way to convincing myself that what I wanted to do... was best. But when i asked, I heard the opposite.