I just had a revelation, dd has brain damage, the only way he can know the truth is by asking me. Dd, can you proove you dont have brain damage? Dont think so! Ergo i win, and there is no god
dd: LOL!
When I asked the question about logic, people reacted as if I doubted the existence of logic. OK, just for the record I don’t doubt logics exists, and never did. I’m asking the philosophical question, about HOW you KNOW logic exists. When I asked the question about proving it exists, everyone jump on me giving me examples of how it was applied. Logic has no mass or energy, yet, we all assume it’s there, but, no thought as to where it came from. Did logic exist before the big bang?
dd: Yes, yes, i would very much like to have this discussion and offer you a proof logic exist!
The issue is that before we have this discussion, you must proove you are thinking in a reliable way. I claim you have a very serious brain damage which does not allow you assimilate basic facts about the world, hereunder you have a very serious brain damage, as well as any arguments logic exist. You might also be under the delusion i am playing a very stupid and silly game with you, by asking a very stupid and silly question again and again to which be both really know the answer.
Anyway, over to you, can you proove to me you are thinking in a reliable way?