Wow! I!
I didn't hit weird elders until I became a young man with some ability, and moved out of my home area. Honestly the men in the hall I grew up in were all great. I mean, yeah they weren't perfect, but they were the good ones. Cared about others, weren't quick to judge, always gave people the benefit of the doubt. I remember this woman being DF'd, and 2 elders crying when it was announced. The PO was a little more hard core, but not much compared to standards set here.
Now when I moved on my own?......It was clear to me a young brother living on his own without his family is automatically looked at suspiciously. I was either going to be their golden boy speaker, or I was threatening them. After I was married, it subsided again.
Then when I was appointed, the insecurity and all that crap just started up again.
Eventually I met some of the worst elders I have ever known. The definition of Pharisee. Their hall hates them, and yet because he is connected, he is still on every assembly part there is. When I can speak more freely one day, I hope to say more.
Here is a nice one though. At a funeral for a brother who is the father of a good friend, the mans brother showed up. His brother was baptized at 15 and then disfellowshipped at 15 for smoking. He only got baptized because his older brother did, the one that was dead. He was NEVER really a JW. Did I mention that was 40 years ago? The man had contributed with his own organs, the things that would keep his older brother alove another 10 years. Yet nobody was allowed to come to the wake after the funeral, because there was a disfelloshipped man there. People didn't give his condolances at the service either. A few people didn't care and did the right thing. But it was all because of this self righteous alpha elder running the show.
Just makes me sick.