Did you ever have any real weirdos ? in your congregation who were Elders ?

by smiddy 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    The scriptures state that in the mouth of two or three witnesses would every word be established. Can a JW be disciplined on the testimony of just one elder, or must there be more? What if it's a he/she said/he said?

    I'm not a JW, but we had one distinguished man who used to visit our local church. The only thing that indicated that he was getting a bit wierd was when he pulled out a wallet that held about twenty or so photos of his mother. Then, as people began to inch away from him, he'd pull out a brass casket from his suit's top jacket pocket and open it. Inside was a photo of his dead mother, all laid out in her coffin. This man was at least 60 years old and, not surprisingly, unmarried. My point is that people can appear normal, but inwardly they have some serious personal issues. If you gave anyone like that any authority at all, it could be a disaster! One other thing about him was that one fellow was trying to show him something in the Bible, and suddenly he went nuts! Seems the guy had licked one of his fingers to turn a page. The next thing we knew was that he snatched his Bible back and said he didn't want anyone's "spittle" on his pages. Although he was very wealthy, he at first demanded that the person pay for a new Bible. We finally got him calmed down, but to this day when someone says "wierdo" I think of that guy.

    As far as I understand it, the office of "elder" is an office that does not require ordination, so when their terms are over they simply become "former" or "ex-elders." So what's done can be undone.

  • Jewel

    I don't think I've ever known an elder who wasn't a tin-pot despot or a weirdo or some creepy combination of both...

  • Londo111

    I've known more weird elderettes…especially those who pioneer.

  • punkofnice

    Oh yes! Some bloody eccentrics.

    One who went on the prat-form and started : ''I'm a man and so is my wife......(pauses to be dramatic).....who doesn't like to see cruelty to animals! .....WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING BROTHERS?'

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