the noah of bible fable needed only one breeding couple to get going again.
They found the 5 daughters of "EVE" widely dispersed, the man carrying most of "ADAMS" genes in the steppes of Euro-asia.
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by Mr. Falcon 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
the noah of bible fable needed only one breeding couple to get going again.
They found the 5 daughters of "EVE" widely dispersed, the man carrying most of "ADAMS" genes in the steppes of Euro-asia.
Citation required.
entirely possible : assuming there was one first "hu-man" somewhere and one first "wo-man" somewhere and they met and bred , but there was an extinction later - would not one surviving male and female be able to start again? they probable would be really attracted to each other huddling in a volcanic winter. but it is just my conjecture.
sorry for the lack of references. read the book "The 5 daughters of EVE"?
the man with the most common male genes was in a NOVA program I believe. He did not look like anything we see in the magnificant specimen in the Olympics. thank you.
assuming there was one first "hu-man" somewhere and one first "wo-man" somewhere and they met and bred , but there was an extinction later - would not one surviving male and female be able to start again?
sorry for the lack of references. read the book "The 5 daughters of EVE"?
No such book exists. There is a book, "The Seven Daughters of Eve" that describes using mitochondrial DNA to track human migration and shared commonality, but it does not support the bible, the flood or the idea of a literal Eve.
the man with the most common male genes was in a NOVA program I believe. He did not look like anything we see in the magnificant specimen in the Olympics.
Citation required.
jgnat: thank you for the free diagnosis. yes, we can thank all the scholars for their detailed work and it is amazing how humans travelled, may be they fought a lot and were forever escaping conflict . look at canada burgeoning refugee program. The Eurasian reference was not about priorities, only about the present location of the great "FIND" of the gene hunters. thank you all for the learning experiences here.
entirely possible: thank you for correcting me, obviously I need and do not mind correcting. I do not defend the bible fables, but believe that one can be a creationist religious? and be impressed by, and embrace , scientific evidence. to praphrase Barry GW: "persistence in belief in creation processes is no vice".
to shorten my foray into this well researched domain:
the races did not come into existence by lust , no, by
There was never a literal Adam and Eve. To believe so requires disowning science.
...but there was an extinction later - would not one surviving male and female be able to start again? - prolog..
The genetic markers that have survived, and the variety that exist, say that after the mitrochondrial "eve" and "adam", humankind never did get down to two survivors. Very unlikely with the first "eve" either. She likely had lots of cousins for whatever reason, their progeny did not make it to modern day.
...may be they fought a lot and were forever escaping conflict - prolog..
An interesting sideline, the branching off appears to happen about the same time as ice-age events. These events meant climate change (drier) and lowered sea levels.