Question Directed at Religious People

by Mr. Falcon 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I'm currently dealing with some very religious JW family members and this has led to several "debates" (I hate to use the term debate, since it's more of a one-sided argument where they do nothing but reference Watchtower publications, but whatever).

    Gotta be careful in what I'm about to ask, since there's been quite a bit of turmoil on here whenever there is a religion vs. science sort of discussion. I've searched on past threads as this topic has come up but haven't received any real answers one way or another. Just lots of fighting. Here's my question that I'm directing towards all of you on here that consider yourself religious believers:

    If God did create Adam & Eve, how did the human family come to have such racial diversity?

    As an evolutionist, I know what I believe as regards to the origin of the races. I would like to honestly know how religious people feel about this.

    So as not to turn this into a all-out barfight, I ask that you religious folks PM me your response.

    I'm not looking to argue here, just looking for different points of view


  • cantleave

    Spoil sport!

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    haha sorry, cantleave. no fireworks this time.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    No longer religous but when I was wasn't the thought that SOMEHOW noah had 3 sons and one HAPPENED to have africoid features, another HAPPENED to have asiatic features and one had your caucasoid features.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Not religious, but when I asked this when I was a young teenage JW, it was explained that A&E had the genetic code for all of the races and as they had kids, each one didn't get all of it, so as the families moved across the globe, the various races got spread that way.

    Yeah, it didn't make sense then, either.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon
    No longer religous but when I was wasn't the thought that SOMEHOW noah had 3 sons and one HAPPENED to have africoid features, another HAPPENED to have asiatic features and one had your caucasoid features.

    same here, darth frosty. When asked I would always mumble some inaudible response about how Noah's sons were all different races or whatnot. But is this really the case? Is there any biblical evidence that points to Noah's son being black or somehow relocating to Africa where he became black or whatever? It's sounds so bizarre.

    I'm confused and I'm hoping some of the religious people on this board will offer their input (discreetly, so as not to start a riot, of course).

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon
    it was explained that A&E had the genetic code for all of the races and as they had kids, each one didn't get all of it, so as the families moved across the globe, the various races got spread that way.

    thanks, EP. I never heard that one, but it is just as good as any other reason I've heard from JWs. Again, is there any evidence for this? The theory of Adam & Eve's genetic code is a pretty bold hypothesis. I wonder what the person who told you this based it on.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    If I recall correctly, there was no legend that tied blackness to Ham, an evil person. This large book on slavery by the leading U.S. expert explained that slavery was ubiquitous in the ancient world. We are all the descendents of slave owners and slaves. Slavery was an equal opportunity propery status. The first military actions of U.S. forces were to rescue Americans enslaved in Tripoli.

    American slavery was the first time slavery became race specific. Slavery was outlawed in Great Britain centuries before the U.S. colonies were formed. It needed to be bolstered. Slave owners argued that slavery was in accord with divine plans. Blacks were cursed.

    I've read that races do not exist. There is a wide spectrum of human appearance. Particularly in border areas or along trade routes, distinct racial features break down.

  • tornapart

    sent you a pm Mr. Falcon.. don't know if it's any good.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon
    American slavery was the first time slavery became race specific. Slavery was outlawed in Great Britain centuries before the U.S. colonies were formed. It needed to be bolstered. Slave owners argued that slavery was in accord with divine plans. Blacks were cursed.

    Good point, Band on the Run. I remember reading in history books about this too, how southern pro-slavery preachers frequently used the Ham account to justify slavery. But still the Bible doesn't say what skin color Ham was, does it? I mean if human history happened differently and Africans made slaves of white Europeans, would biblical history be re-told so that Ham was white?

    I would like to clarify something however, lest anyone think I'm sounding like Josef Goebbels right now -

    I believe that a human being is a human being, regardless of race. However, there ARE physical traits that vary from race to race. An Ethiopian couple wouldn't give birth to an Irish baby, no more than a Russian couple would have a Puerto Rican kid. Yet the Bible teaches that all humanity originated from Adam & Eve. I'm just trying to figure out how exactly religious persons reconcile this.


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