Bethel perfection bubble burst

by redvip2000 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Scott77

    "...The leaders of this religion are all sick bastards..."


    I thought that was a very strong message. I really like it. One thing that I want to add here is that, those leaders willnever recognize their how destructive they are! I really do not think this immoral accident is a wake up call. They tend to sweep them under the carpet.

    And this is what his Uncle has say say.

    David del Pino Klinge

    4:08 pm on Wednesday, December 19, 2012

    I am his uncle, I know what I am talking about.
    The Wittness disfellowshipped him, then abandoned him and charged his soul and mind with unbearable amount of guilt.
    What in another normal 21 year old brilliant student would have been just a "life" mistake or youth affair, became an motive to suffer behind reason and logic. Stasz was abandoned by his family and all the members of that religion.
    All them are now singing and praying, announcing the "happy moment of resurrection". Bunch of despicable fanatics.


  • ekruks

    All them are now singing and praying, announcing the "happy moment of resurrection".

    The irony!

  • truthseeker

    My JW relative used to tell me that "Jehovah is doing a sifting work in the congregations"

  • Scott77

    "My JW relative used to tell me that "Jehovah is doing a sifting work in the congregations"

    The issue here is now where do have the proof where "Jehovah is doing a sifting work in the congregations". The one who uttered that saying is JW relative. ekruks you are right, instead of demostrating work befiting assistance and kindnes to save the life of Stanislav Kling-Loy, its an irony when 'a ll them are now singing and praying, announcing the "happy moment of resurrection".'


  • BlindersOff1

    SHow me proof theres a sifting work . Hell show me proof theres a resurrection

  • ekruks

    Yes, Scott, it's seriously messed up. When someone makes a mistake, give them such cold treatment they die, then celebrate a daydream about them returning one day - wouldn't have to return if they didn't die!

    I thought suicide was such a sin, disrespecting the sanctity of life, that there was thought to probably be no hope of resurrection. The GB's lack of understanding of mental health just emphasises to me how they are stuck in the past - these are men who don't like the changes in the world, and hide in the organisation where they try to live like it's the 60s, before all those major changes to the world in the 70s. Hippies taking drugs wasn't very healthy, but with things such as mental health, these guys are so blind, even cruel - so much for holy spirit directing things - shouldn't God know his own creation and realise we sometimes can be unbalanced, and that it's not a decision of a healthy mind to kill one self, and that surely that can't withold someone with the resurrection (if there even is such a thing). Too many JWs have killed themselves, or more os had nervous breakdowns, severe depression, CFS etc.

    I know brothers talk about 'rules not principles', but all that means is they pick which rules to follow and which to ignore, i.e. ignore their kids misdemeanours. What really needs to be done is some rules abolished or changed, such as a serious reform on disfellowshipping - it's one thing to be wary of a person for some conduct, for example discouraging your kids from hanging out with someone promoting drugs - it's another for the elders not to help that person. If I had a kid taking drugs, smoking, bing-drinking, something I thought was wrong, the door would be open to him to visit any when, as I would be looking for opportunities to help him, to encourage him to kick the habit. Even if he was in prison for murder, sure things wouldn't be the same between us, but he'd stil be my son. It's too much about keeping control of the congregation, kicking out any who don't follow rules, then others are worried they will get kicked out and get in line - companies do this to staff, but that's different, because they are not there to provide emotional support. If a company threw you out, friends and family may not be happy if it's because of a crime, etc., even say it you are stupid, but most people wouldn't just ignore you, but try to help you sort your life out.

  • whathappened

    This is so terribly sad. This is cult living for you. What a waste.

  • jwfacts

    I feel so sorry for the poor guy.

    it didn't take long for the comments about "Jehovah is cleaning is organization" to come out.

    There are so many stupid comments that people make without any logical support, simply to justify a belief. My BS conductor used to say that 1975 was used to cleanse the organsation. Really? Jehovah would lie so as to mislead those that don't have total unquestioning faith.

  • ekruks

    My BS conductor

    BS? B---s---? Sorry to be rude, but yeah you got that right

  • Scott77

    BS equals bulshit as well as bible study. Therefore, the choice BS was a clever idea


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