Lilacs, you have a beautiful little girl.
Hello all, I am new here
by mbst 39 Replies latest jw experiences
If I were in your shoes, I would like to know why a person is avoiding me - which is fair. Maybe when she is ready, she will tell you. Sometimes people need space.
Yes, your right in some aspects - she fell in love with you. However, when you fall in love with a JW, it seems you get the whole lock stock and barrel with it. So, it becomes not just you and her; but all the congregation and all the other baggage that goes with the JW religion. It is not your fault you were born into the JW's ; nor how you believe - you grew up with it. But you feel you cannot leave because of the implications of leaving; and you seem to believe in it. That's your right to do so. Which causes a very big problem. The only way out is either you leave or she joins. Your friend may be in someways like me, "some birds are not meant to be caged". You may not feel as if you are in a cage, but you have to look at the situation with an outsider's point of view.
It may be kinder to your friend to let her go. I am sure she is feeling much of the same emotions as you - it is a very sad situation and I feel bad for the both of you.
Well MBST, you've so far avoided virtually all the advice given here. Why don't you research your Society a little bit? You might think it's the be-all and end-all as far as you're concerned, but there are some things you need to know about this supposedly 'Godly' Organization that will rock the very foundations of your world.
Like I've been heard saying before, I'd rather be a free cockroach than a caged lion!
[SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice! -
MBST... I too grew up a JW. I was married to a non-JW for a few years. I DID NOT lose my family over that... but I can see how you feel you'll lose them over leaving the faith. My suggestion, if she's willing, is to keep religion OUT of your relationship. If you love her so much, you'll not pressure her into attending meetings, etc. And if she does indeed love you, she'll let you go to the meetings, etc. You can't have it both ways, bud. Pretty simple once you decide how you REALLY want to live the rest of your life. Jbean
in response to your's in my first post to this guy...... -
Thanks mbst. She looks just like her mom
I don't want someone in my life I can live with. I want someone in my life I can't live without.
refiners fire
Well MBST, you've so far avoided virtually all the advice given here. Why don't you research your Society a little bit?
Syn. give the guy a break a little bit.
hes a completely active dub, whose literally just walked in the door.
Hes here because hes got an emotional issue, not to research dub history. -
Mbst, I am really curious - can you answer this question?
You stated you were a JW in good standing and that you truly believe in your religion. You would not leave because you would be considered dead. If this indeed is the case, why are you asking questions and posting other communications on an Ex-JW website? According to what I have researched about the JW's, this site is considered an apostate site, correct? And if you are caught reading apostate material and dealing with apostates, you could be df'd.
What is the reason for posting to this site and asking questions from ex-JW's (and occasionally you get a worldly person thrown in like me)? This really is puzzling me? Is it because you know deep down inside you cannot ask JW's questions regarding your girlfriend and situation?
What is it?
MBST, hello and welcome.
Like others I am not convinced that you are genuine.If you are a sincere dub , I guess you wold talk to the elders
But lets give the benefit of any doubt, and I apologise if I have misrepresented you.
Anyone that has gwown up in the "Truth" as we did, cannot imagine anything else . To deny it is like denying Newton's law of gravity or other established facts . But you have to stop and think. Yes THINK. Imagine you heard it for the first time. Clear your mind , be brave enough to think the unthinkable
The WT doctrines then seem crass, ungodly and founded on thin air and broken promises
PS read Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz
I grew up as a jehovahs witness, it is the truth and I know it is, and I know it is my path. I can't exit, I would be dead in my moms and my older brothers eyes. I know I shouldn't be involved with her, I know it is wrong,
i dont get this say you cant leave the organization and you are worried about being dead in you mom and brothers eyes and yet you KNOW that getting involved with a wordly girl who has NO CHANCE of ever becoming a witness is going to get you Disfellowshiped and you will be even more dead to them than if you just walk away.
If you really knew in your heart that the truth IS the truth you would not be going outside into the world and associating with known opposers and/or trying to date someone like Butal. You would not be trying to get yourself disfellowshiped which is what you are doing unconsciously.
I think you know in your heart that there is something wrong with a God who would put restrictions on you that you cannot hold true to no matter how hard you try. Have you ever felt that no matter how much you WANT to do what Jehovah requires you just CANT? Of course you have, we all have, because its IMPOSSIBLE to live up to the standards of Jehovah. So now you need to ask yourself why. Why would Jehovah force us to spend our whole lives trying so hard, feeling so guilty, wanting so bad to do whats right but always falling short, never knowing if we are worthy of everlasting life or not? Have you ever asked yourself why you always fall short of the mark? Where do the rules come from Mbst? I asked myself this years ago and I concluded from reading the societys publications that they come from the bible and thus from Jehovah. See the little scriptures under each paragraph or at the bottom of the page? That meant to me that what I was reading was coming from God. Thus my falling short all the time was due to my not trying hard enough, not being strong enough in the faith, not studying enough, ect. Why are you falling short mbst?
Recently I revisited these questions and after learning a few things about the organization I decided to look at them from the bible and try to just read it without other books. I looked at the scriptures that were being interpreted to make some of the rules and you know what? Well ...i think you will have to do the same for yourself and you will know.
The bottom line is the rules that you are trying to follow but unable to, are not Gods but that of men. God does not put more on us than we can bear remember? That includes guilt. There are a lot of JW's that crack under the pressure of the tremendous guilt involved with breaking the rules of the religion. Do you know anyone that killed themselves because of that guilt and pressure and not wanting to disappoint family members when they found out about things? I do. Do you think Jehovah would put that kind of pressure on that person if they couldnt bear it? No he wouldnt and he didnt. She was trying to live up to impossible standards like all of us were and you are.
If you read, read, read and research your religion you will see with all certainty that it is indeed run not by Jehovah but by earthly men. I believed as strongly if not more strongly than you do that the truth was the truth..many people here did. Look around this board mbst, you will see people who were pioneers for years, ministerial servants, elders, bethelites for years and years. All of them believed in the truth as strongly as you do. But all found out otherwise when they started researching.
Once you do that your life I promise will get better. Maybe not right away but it will start to turn around and then your whole future will be clearer and happier and more fullfilling then you can imagine. I bet you'll even get the girl too.