I think, in their heart of hearts, they know or at least suspect. They boast about 'tracing all things with accuracy' and having the 'spiritual food' go through 70 checks and yet inaccurate, revisionist history is still presented for propagandistic purposes and scholarly quotes are misused to give credibility to their stance on certain matters. In addition, there is a lot of 'power-posturing' going on - always a sign of insecurity.
Do some GB know the truth about the truth?
by Bob_NC 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I've said before that I think the lawyers run the corp. When the GB is willing to allow a long held and absolute doctrine like blood to be chopped up, watered down, and made way less relevant do they really believe it's because it's what the Master or Jeh wants? It's for the legal protection of the corp and they know that. And it's the lawyers they depend on to protect the corp not Jeh. I would say they have to know that they are not making decisions based on their deep insight into Jeh's word. I can imagine when they all meet and are discussing different issues the most popular phrase that can be heard is 'let's check with legal on that.' They would have to know that divine revelation or their own deep insight should not have to be OK'D by legal. So I would say that they at least know that they are not truthful with the publishers as to how the org is run. Years ago I was working out in service with a circuit overseer, we were talking about "new light," he said to me that if they ever change a "core doctrine" he would be the first one out the door. I don't remember that particular CO, but I do sometimes wonder if he is still a JW.
SBF! Welcome back from exile.
I used to think they were sincere, or at least sincerely deluded.
But when you consider the sheer deception involved in their taking quotes out of context on issues such as the trinity, blood transfusions, evolution, education, etc., I'm not so sure.
Plus, their absolute silence on potentially embarrassing topics, like
--what about historical evidence supporting Chinese civilization long prior to the "All Scriptures Inspired" chronology of Adam's creation in 4026 BC?
-- what about the complete and utter lack of geological evidence of a global flood covering 100% of the earth's surface 4000 years ago?
-- what about the clear evidence of "Jehovah creating" violent, terrifying meat-eaters who lived millions of years ago?
...shows that they must know there are gaping holes in their doctrinal web.
Plus their utter villification of "apostates", without ever even hinting at addressing any "apostate" issue, shows that they know they have no reasonable response to such arguments.
I think they are rather like the Pharisees as described by Jesus at John 9:41:
"If you were blind, you would have no sin. But now you say, 'we see'. Your sin remains."
Cheers cantleave. Useful background.
I certainly the GB believe their bullshit, the rise to rank of GB is a huge power trip for anyone to attain and has enormous benefits attached to it, and they sacrifice a lot to achieve this , but I also believe in the secret groups of money and legal men who pull the strings, I also believe the links with Zionist and Ultra Orthodox Jewish groups who have and will continue to make and absolute fortunes with the property deals done over the last few years, there is also a Hedge/Private Equity fund set up by them that includes investors making fortunes from them, many non JW, there must be an elite group of ultra wealthy JW's that have huge power within the walls of Paterson.
Jookbeard, I've always wondered if some heavies have figured out how to make personal profit off the corp. I know for a fact (and people involved) that some in purchasing have had no problem accepting kickbacks (I know paid for vacations, possibly cars) by directing work to certain contractors. I believe a lot of these corp heavies have such prideful swollen heads they are able to do that without any twinge of conscience, feeling that they are so smart and intelligent they earned it.
I believe that many people in the religion have doubts but push them aside perhaps reasoning that it is too late to start over and where else would they go.
(How could any thinking person NOT have doubts about this ridiculous religion???)
In my opinion, the GB have too much to lose and would probably keep their mouths shut about any doubts they have.
Remember these men are governing body 2.0 They all believed they were 'annointed' before they changed the 1935 doctrine a few years ago.
So at some point they were either 1) true believers who believed they were 'replacement annointed' OR 2) Liars who wanted to get to the top of the JW tree.
Personally I belive they are all true believers who are masters in the art of self justification and delusion. I would also guess that many of them don't actually believe in 1914 but are scared any major changes would 'stumble' some of the brothers & lead to a decrease. They will avoid a decrease in numbers at any cost.
TL:DR It's all about the numbers
They are in "damage control" mode big time. They will need to come clean like the World Wide Church of God for their long term survival as just another religious sect, without the elitism.
It's all about keeping the numbers going for as long as possible-
I wonder how many JWs would stay in the KH, if they were told from a new WT lesson that the core doctrine of "living forever on a paradise earth" is just hopeful WT thinking that took off with Rutherford after 1935 ( and is so linked with the 144,000 anointed remnant teaching) and is not based on any boilerplate Bible teaching.
In essesnce- if the original 1935 anointed remnant teaching has been greatly modified, then why can't the Jonahdabs/other sheep dogma be full of holes, too?- They are both sides of the same coin.