I thought I had once.
Have you ever been bothered by the Demunz ?
by BroMac 32 Replies latest jw friends
I married into a demon-conscious family, so we suffered regular "attacks." Most of those were silly things like feeling a tap on the shoulder (probably a muscle spasm).
There was one incident that I've never been able to explain. When I was a newlywed I was home alone in our second-floor apartment and heard someone come up the creaky wooden stairs right outside my door.
There was a third-floor apartment, but whoever was out there didn't go up to the third floor. They didn't knock on my door or go back down the stairs either. I was terrified. Who was lurking out there?
The phone was across the kitchen from where I was standing, close to the door. I grabbed a knife and lunged across the room and grabbed the phone. I called my husband and asked him to come home. He did, and there was nobody out there. Spoooooky!
The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses - The Demons (Cue Scary Music)
finally awake
Nope - they don't seem interested in me at all
Many years ago I lived in a small house rented from the estate of an elderly sister who was receiving inpatient treatment for a severe mental disorder. I experienced many strange things in the year I lived there. I always felt as though someone was in the room and was never comfortable sitting in a chair that was not against a wall. My dog (and subsequent dogs of future owners) had severe anxiety in the house and destroyed woodwork trying to get out, a problem that miraculously resolved the instant we moved. My husband was an MS at the time and kept having problems with a paint like substance on his suits that could not be removed. When we moved he was going to just throw them away and poof. The paint was gone in the new house. Don't know exactly what was going on but it was rather peculiar.
send me shivers cupcake! lost track of the stuff that got thrown out when I was growing up.
finally awake- they not interested in you cos they already got ya... woooooww
joyful fader- thats a good one. how long did you live there?
what did a pair of cuff links ever do to anyone dad? nope I've said a prayer about it and they're going.
We lived there for a year. Ironically I have never had that morbid fear of demons. Not sure what causes so called paranormal activity but I am not particularly worried about it. Besides in a jaw's eyes I am from the devil myself and "mentally diseased" lol
That would be JW's lol...not jaws but one could make the argument....