Have you ever been bothered by the Demunz ?

by BroMac 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • ekruks

    I don't find the concept of a spirit realm to be scientifically sound. Accounts of demon attacks and spiritual powers can often be explained.

  • Tater-T

    When we were little JW's growing up, me my older and younger sisters.. our parents told us about demons.. we were terrififed

    shortly there after we were all at the neighbors playing on their swing set, (3girls who we shared our new found knowledge), and a DEMON tried to pull my little sister off the swing..

    OMG we ran home to tell Mom and Dad.. they came over, agreed that that is probably what happened... loL

    How could they dismiss it.. they just had a serious talk about this as real..

    oh! the power of sugestion on small minds...

  • BroMac

    that is what I experienced Tater T, I was being pressed down in bed, clock said 2.43am. couldnt move anything or open my mouth to say JEHOVAH, but I was screaming it in my head. I was scared shitless big time. Dont know what it was but at the time I said it was a demun or a legion of em, sounded better I thought.

    Some of these posts send shivers right down me.

  • designs

    Strangely always turning on the lightbulb fixed the problem

  • BroMac

    I had to say bye to a Tonka truck once. That had a demun driving it or summat. I was heartbroken

  • BroMac

    got some money given off one of my parents Mag Calls, only £5, I was made up. I had it all spent in my head at the sweet shop. Got back to the car and never saw it again. I think my dad burnt it. can you believe it? and we really didnt have any money to burn in them days.

  • Tater-T

    yes it was more like a big wieght on me .. It really felt like an entity was there..

    The nightterrors link says it's brought on by increased brain activity.. which explains why..


    I`ve only been bothered by C razy JW`s..

    Who Believe in Demons..

    .............................  mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • BroMac

    yes, like a weight. I'll give those links a read through Tater T thanks. sweet dreams

  • BroMac

    Outlaw- what ya like!?

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