What do they expect, for everyone to just drop whatever they are doing and serve in a position they do not want? By the time you get appointed an assistant hounder, the dollar will be toilet paper, you will be experiencing rolling blackouts, gas will be expensive if you can get it at all, and jobs will be scarce. Better to earn what you can now, hold onto your job so you will not be a burden on the congregation in a few years' time, and invest whatever you can in items that are going to do you real good instead of throwing it all away now for some stupid "privileges(??)".
I think it would be better in 5 years or so if you have a decent job, a way to get around possible gas rationing and rolling blackouts, silver and gold invested, and a skill. That way, if everything does collapse (and, the longer it takes, the worse it will be--none of that "It hasn't happened yet, it isn't going to" crap), you will be in a position to survive while those who are trusting in joke-hova are up sxxx creek without a paddle, in a barbed wire canoe, the instant something happens. Most people do not have enough emergency supplies to provide light in the event of a blackout, particularly one lasting a few days (Sandy, anyone?), let alone rolling blackouts. Let there be a declared energy crisis like in 1973, and rolling blackouts, and see how scarce D batteries are going to become in short order. Let alone decent lanterns, flashlights, and rechargeable batteries. If you are lucky, you might find a few candles--the Jewish sabbath candles might be all you can find, at inflated prices, once that emergency happens.
The other option is hideous, even without the coming collapse. Many of those witlesses sacrifice everything. I know one family that sold out and dove right into the center of the congregation. This idiot no longer has a full time job, and his children (now nearing or in their 30s) are still living at home trying to pitch in to support the family. They are all regular pious-sneers, and the father the lead hounder. They are getting zero pension for retirement, their Social Security (even if it's still worth anything) is going to be slashed drastically. And, in their old age, they are going to have stress problems leading them to stagnation and sickness. Throw in an emergency (a snowstorm is enough), and they could easily be in pitch dark for a day without anything to see by. Add a dose of Osama ObamaCare, and they are going to have a miserable time trying to afford sick insurance along with their other bills. And when the inevitable loss of faith in the US Toilet Paper Dollar comes, they lack skills and stored value. Their lives revolve around the congregation.
Now, if the hounders are going to try and force you into taking the dead end path to stagnation and misery instead of self-reliance, they ought to get nothing. Start skipping all the boasting sessions and not doing any field circus. When questioned, they set you up so you can no longer do it for joke-hova because you would be doing it to satisfy the hounders--hence, you are not wasting your time. I hope they are the ones frequently missing boasting sessions because of long gas lines, having to cancel boasting sessions because the Kingdumb Hell is in a blackout, left with no means of survival when the dollar collapses, and feeling lousy in old age for having a deliberately impoverished life. And damnation in the next life.