Quick thinking with the app.
The first part of the conversation wasn't too out of line. Encouraging a young brother to reach out, especially in a new congregation that needs brothers. Even if you don't believe in WT crap, you can understand that's probably a typical scenrio in most churches.
But it crossed the line when they started asking personal questions. They were making assumptions that since you weren't naturally reaching out eagerly that there just had to be something holding you back. So when you weren't forthcoming with details, they started interrogating you. And to anyone reading this who isn't familiar with congregation procedures, this is a typical situation. I've been through similar myself.
In our current situation, free of the cult, it's easy to say, "tell em to F*** off" and odds are most of us would do that now, in those exact words no less. But back when we were in, we wouldn't have done that. We would have danced around the issue, maybe not answering them directly but not really standing up to them either. I mean, they're spirit appointed elders. Don't grieve the holy spirit and all that shit.
You done good.