US Entitlement Programs At Glance

by Scott77 46 Replies latest social current

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  • James Brown
    James Brown

    If you are smart enough to live long enough to pay into social security for 35 years, you wont

    say it is an entitlement program funded by general fund revenue.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile
    I do not know if Romney had won the presidency, all those entittlements would have been slashed or eliminated altogether.

    Since you started the thread, I'm curious about your opinion on the subject. Are you in favor of eliminating any of the entitlement programs? Which ones, and why?

  • Scott77

    Since you started the thread, I'm curious about your opinion on the subject. Are you in favor of eliminating any of the entitlement programs? Which ones, and why?
    Resistance is Futile

    Actually, I do not know what to say here but do agree with what sammielee24 has stated that "Social security was paid into - people deserve to get it back". This effectively bring into question as to whether what people get back after hitting the age of 62 is actually entittlement in the first place.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Medicare and social security aren't entitlements, though politicians mistakenly call them entitlements.

    I wan't to see statistics for tax loopholes for the fabulously wealthy. Do you know that yacht owners get tax credits for their yachts? How about corporate welfare?

  • FlyingHighNow
  • FlyingHighNow

    Unemployment isn't an entitlement either, your company pays unemployment insurance premiums.

  • sammielee24

    Not you Was....check sooners post - I think maybe he thinks we are all flaming hard core liberals without an ounce of common sense....thanks...sammieswife

  • sammielee24

    I think that 'government or state' pension plans like Social Security are the only way that most countries have been able to actually move their senior populations out of dire poverty into a life that is somewhat secure in that those past earners have some income.

    People who perhaps lived pay check to pay check, may have done so for any number of reasons and if they were living pay check to pay check then that means that all their earnings were going back into the system, whether it was buying a paper that kept a printer in work, buying a pair of shoes that kept the salesclerk in a job, buying a bus ticket that gave the driver work, paying taxes into social security and medicare for not only those older than him but also younger than him. I have no problem with social security and in fact I think it is too low an income and should be raised for those over retirement age, perhaps means tested in some way - does McCain really need a veterans pension and social security with seven houses? Not sure but it's like Medicare I guess - if I have an income of a million a year, will losing a check of five hundred bucks a month make a big difference? Unlikely. Would an extra hundred bucks a month on someone with an income of five hundred a month make a big difference - very likely.

    Since the average household really only earns about 50,000 a year, the social security fund is the best way to make sure you have a population that isn't living on the streets and eating grass by age 70.

    We all work and pay into a system so our parents can live comfortably - we all work and pay into programs that benefit our friends, neighbors and family like unemployment, medicaid, welfare, education, policing, fire, libraries - it's not calculating what you've paid in by actual dollar amounts because working for 45 years and paying into all those other programs, means you have not only contributed far more to society than just money to a future pension plan, but you have kept it moving - your 45 years of working every day, has also been part of the wheel - keeping small business alive, schools, communities - the country. There is value in every generation that goes before us - sammieswife

  • Hortensia

    It would be nice if employees and employers split the cost of unemployment insurance -- which is not an entitlement -- it would maybe be more fair to employers. Employers don't decide who gets unemployment benefits. They can lodge a protest if they disagree with a decision from the unemployment board, but they don't get to make the final decision.

    I paid into Social Security my whole working life. I don't see it as an entitlement. I paid into Medicare, too, although I don't qualify for that yet.

    The government has to do something -- either create jobs so people can buy their own health insurance, pay their own rent, etc., or help out the poorest folks.

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