Social security is supposed to be self contained, like the highway trust funds. Money paid in is what goes out, with it not being diverted to anything else, nor it diverting funds from any other budget item. As long as this is respected, it will never have any so called crisis. Usually when someone says it is in crisis, it is because they want to tinker with that simple formula and are trying to scheme a way to get access to the fund for their own ends. Social security doesn't promise you anything specific beyond that it will pay you some benefits when certain conditions are met. The amount it collects can be changed, and the amounts it pays out can be adjusted, so that it is always liquid as long as someone outside of it doesn't raid it.
I don't happen to like it, or think it is the best way to fund retirement, but that is personal. My dad worked hard his whole life and paid in, then when he died it paid a paltry sum and everything else he paid in was evaporated, so my siblings and I were denied what would have been our inheritance. My personal grudge aside, if not tampered with by robber barons, social security is on a solid financial footing.