There is a passage in scripture that has always bothered me.
it is in revelation 20, where satan is loosed after the 1000 years and misleads masses of perfect people yet again, into Warring against God.
These are perfect people, not misled in regard of facts, how could the vast majority of them be misled, again?
After a reading of Rev 20, Ive decided the Dubs interpretation is flat out. WRONG.
From the dubs own Bible Verse 3 says that "Satan cannot mislead the nations anymore until after the 1000 years".
So those nations must be there, after the millenium.
.."I saw thrones, and there were those who sat on them"...
144,000, right?
...."I saw the souls of those..who had worshipped neither the Wild beast, nor ITS IMAGE..and they ruled with the Christ for 1000 years".
Now, the "image" wasnt created until 1945.
So how can the 144,000 be sealed in 1935?
But thats only a minor point.
These dead in Christ, the 144,000, come to life and rule 1000 years.
verse 5 and 6 say:
..."The rest of the dead did not come to life until the 1000 years were ended.This is the first resurrection.... Happy is anyone having part in the first resurrection..they will rule as Kings for 1000 years"...
Clearly, the First resurrection refers to the 144,000.Though the scripture passage is badly phrased. Those dead in Christ.
The REST of THE DEAD are not raised until AFTER the 1000 years.
Thats what their own translation says.
surely this debunks their interpretation of the dead being raised during the millenium.
John 5 v 29 speaks of a resurrection of "life" and a resurrection of "judgement'. 2 ressurections, the second one at the end of the millenium, (the resurrection of "judgement"?)
The wicked will be resurrected then. Hence, the presence of myriads of opposers of God at the end of the Millenium.
What say you?