cannot live on WT contradictions alone....well almost!
District Overbeer
by rekless 17 Replies latest jw friends cannot live on WT contradictions alone....well almost!
District Overbeer
In my 17 years since leaving I have gone through several cycles of research, study, sharing, avoiding, living life and back again. It seems that I need it for a while and then can let it go again. Most recently I had some issues raise their ugly heads again from my work situation. It triggered my need to connect with the old mind control issues and clear my head again.
I am finding that it helps to remember and readjust my thinking back to clarity to touch base and then move on.
Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain.
Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy.
Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002
You got me thinkin, I believe I'm at a crossroad.
I know exactly what you mean. In fact, I've done so much research in the last 3-4 years that it feels like I was in this cult myself. (I think alot of people probably indoctrinate themselves this way - thank God for the internet) I am not now, nor have I ever been, or will I ever become a Jehovah's Witness.
My head was so full of facts, quotes, page #s, analogies, etc, my office filled with books, copies of books, testimonials, research papers, I couldn't get enough. The incredible history, misinformation, deception, pain, was really frightening. I wanted to understand. I've dropped a million seeds as well as some bombs. Made some friends, some enemies, been shunned and came close to divorce.
I lurked here for about a year but one day just had to speak my mind. It felt good. The more I posted and tried to interact the less I had to keep in my head. I was always amazed and impressed at how quick and intelligent some posters can reply. They know just what to say and have already dealt with every angle on most topics. I was in fact getting an education on how to talk to people on this subject.
Now I find when I read a post, a response comes almost immediately, sometimes I post, other times not. I don't really bother with the indepth research stuff anymore because I know that the Borg has absolutely no credibility in my mind.
Now I'm more into the human intererst stories, adding tidbits here and there to the big book in my head. I supply my Dr & therapist with useful info that could help them help someone else.
So hopefully I'm ready to go back to my old habits BEFORE I had to find out about this WatchTower thang. I've done my homework and if others are too lazy or tooo scared to do theirs, tooo bad for them, altho I'd love to tutor!
Thanks for this topic, I see that I am moving on, made progress, turned a corner, and to end with an appropriate quote from a fellow poster....
Bite me Watchtower.
I think rekless is really Socrates or Plato in disguise,....they've been hiding from the WT as well...
District Overbeer
Saw your profile pic the other day, you are a very handsome man!
Anyhow, Since I've been coming to witness dbs, I've never been interested in the lengthy diatribes.
I'd like to be, mind you, but something clicks and all the words turn to blah blah blah blah blah blah get my drift.
As a matter of fact, the reason I left the Borg wan't doctrinal (although I'm glad I know what I know now). It was purely because the Borg creates the most UNCHRISTIAN group of people on the planet, and they spend all their time talking about how "wonderful" the "loving provisions" are from Jah.
No thanks. I think Farkel is on the right track, read only serious fluff. I write lots of serious fluff. Did you read my thread on Bethel? I'll bring it to the top for ya as I have something to add.
Sometimes you have to do things that you really don't want to do, you just need to keep going, and do them.
I'm with ya Rekless. I'm tired of being angry all the time and the serious stuff gets me angry. I love the fluff stuff and that's about all I read these days, usually.
I prefer boobie fluff threads but they've died down some.
I have avoided penis threads
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On
Check out Lady Lee's web page, y'all.