How to fight biblical ignorance??

by srd 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • srd

    The Bible this; the Bible that; 'tis the word of the Almighty. We all be following its every word... blah, blah, blah

    Many biblical scholars lament the fact that the Bible is the most misunderstood, abused, and appropriated text by numerous different religious communities, each one claiming to provide its right interpretation, while ironically supporting their own belief system. Fact is, however, that this so-called book is a collection of diverse and conflicting 2,000 to 3,000 year old texts, and written by over 60+ authors to address specific concerns and needs of their historical contexts, etc.

    I have found, and many of you too I imagine, that most religious people merely do lip service to the Bible, to these 2,000 to 3,000 year old texts --- claiming that their belief system is totally supported by these texts and its god(s). I would argue that that is just not the case. And my goal as a scholar is to reveal this.

    Anyway, I have recently picked up me shovel and spade and, naively, am attempting to combat biblical ignorance. How so, ye ask? By trying to create a discussion of the texts themselves, in their own historical and literary contexts, etc., irregardless of the reader's belief or lack there of -- an objective and scientific study of the Bible. This scientific approach to the Bible will yield the following conclusions: 1) the Bible is a collection of conflicting sources; 2) biblical scribes were not recording history (that's not to say there is no history in these texts); 3) these texts are most certainly the product of elite scribes advocating and/or legitimating beliefs, geopolitical worldviews, cultic institutions, etc., and thus are not the word of (a) God...

    These are the conclusions that the Bible itself leads us to when we study it objectively and in these texts’ own historical and literary contexts and worldviews, not our own. I have started this project at and would like to know if this focus on the texts and the texts themselves, on their own terms, can create a meaningful, and educational, dialogue between theists and atheists. Check the site out, and by all means leave a comment, critique, challenge, etc. I am sincere about creating a dialogue about the texts, not our beliefs which is often the focus of modern debates albeit clothed behind the rhetoric of "the Bible says."

  • Tater-T

    good luck with that.. and welcome to the board..

  • insearchoftruth4

    Welcome srd: FANTASTIC!!! Glad to have you here.......

  • insearchoftruth4


  • srd

    Thanks for your support. Pass the word around. I'd like to get more people on this site commenting and giving some feedback. -- cheers

  • insearchoftruth4

    This is real knowledge, EDUCATION under one roof, ask away, dare to ask!!!........Thank You srd!

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle


  • Emery

    Welcome, I agree entirely!

  • PSacramento

    I think that if your point is to show how the various authors of the various books of the bible ( and editors and later copyists) all have varied views about God that, at times, seems to contridict each other, then this is a really good project and endveour you are undertaking.

    I am NOT sure if "contridictions" is the right word to use since they may not all be contridictions per say.

    contradiction [?k?ntr?'d?k??n]

    n 1. the act of going against; opposition; denial 2. a declaration of the opposite or contrary 3. a statement that is at variance with itself (often in the phrase a contradiction in terms) 4. conflict or inconsistency, as between events, qualities, etc. 5. a person or thing containing conflicting qualities 6. (Philosophy / Logic) Logic a statement that is false under all circumstances; necessary falsehood Just remember to note that you are stating your opinion and I suggest that you also post any apologetic answer to these contradictions you will be addressing. Good luck and God speed to you.

  • Leolaia

    It's an interesting blog. Great work.

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