Thanks for the support all!
@PSacramento. "my opinion" ?? No. This is exactly what I'm aiming not to do. My opinion, beliefs, as yours, are secondary to irrelevant in the project I'm envisioning. It's all about the text, and specifically what the text tells us about the compositional nature of the Bible, who wrote it, to whom, and why, etc. Certainly with respect to these questions there is room for educated hypotheses, opinions. But the task of simply displaying the textual data --- here contradictions --- is an objective endeavor. Yes, we might quibble of the words "contradiction" but nearly 99% of the Bible's contradictions are the result of later editors having stitched together two variant textual traditions, each with their own beliefs, worldviews, etc.
Today, I started posting the "contradictions" between the Priestly writer's version of the Abraham story and the earlier Yahwist version, and why and how the Priestly writer modified the ealier Yahwist text. The conclusion that I draw at the end of this post is a good example of the questions and sort of discussion that examining the Bible's contradictions ought to lead us to.
@leolaia. Thanks for the encouragement. I highly respect your level of knowledge in these matters.