just curious.
Did YOU Go A Bit Wild or Crazy When You Left The "Truth"?
by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends
Think About It
Not until a couple of years later, but.........Oh yeah.
The Organization says, those that leave, are self centered lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.
When I left, I had some fun in that "world" but generally speaking, didn't change all that much.
Think About It
The Organization says, those that leave, are self centered lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God.
That may be the only thing they ever got right.
rip van winkle
Unfortunately my "wild" won't return, but it looks like crazy is just around the corner.
finally awake
Not at all really, unless you count boy scout meetings as wild parties.
A tad.
The Society made me feel doomed, that no matter what I did, I wasn’t good enough either quality or quantity, and Jehovah seemed a constantly angry God, miffed at each little thing I wasn’t doing right. So I thought I was going to be destroyed, and in a fit of gloom, I thought, why not? When I repented, I went to the elders, got DFed.
The judicial committee, following the Society’s instructions, helped me lose my faith and get very disillusioned. So I did try. But I’m very bad at being “bad”. I’ve had a woman con me. The last straw for me was a lady I dated who was a nut and an alcoholic that I had to take kicking and screaming to the loony bin.
Once I learned TTATT, which began by reading the Watchtower’s articles on 607 and the research that this spawned, my faith eventually returned and I’m basically in a more stable place.
eva luna
Yes, I did.
Not having a normal teen life. I ended up doing somethings much later. In my mind I was willing to try everything at least ounce. Raised a few eyebrows and looked like a dingbat I'm sure. (no offence to real bats ;-)
I've calmed down now, probably becasue I have no choice. Still can get a wild streak, espically when given a dare.
My stepmom said when I got to move in with her and my dad,
I was like a spring that had been held down too long, then suddenly let go!