attend the Memorial this year.
Give me good honest reasons why you will ..............
by Phizzy 44 Replies latest jw friends
I won't, but it would be kinda funny to attend and 'partake' as they are passing the sacraments. :P
Im out. Young children still in with mother.
I go and tell my kids.... Listen to what Jesus says in the bible about what we should do with the bread and wine. I tell them dont ever let anyone tell you to not do what Jesus has told you to do.
They picked up on it very quick. Now its just reinforcement.
Fun having the crowd part like Moses crossing the Red Sea when you walk in.....priceless
St George of England
For the same reason I attend every other meeting, wife and family.
However, I hear the talk from a completely different perspective since finding JWN.
I was going to but the budgie has a migraine
The WTS is Satan in disguise , Don't think so ? think again. This is what Satan does
I fool them out of everlasting life by abstaining from the blood
of the christ
I shun the cross on which he bled, and refuse to partake of
the wine and the bread
In my quest to destroy every man, I remain unwashed by the blood
of the lamb
I will not witness in his name, to think I could, would be insane
By grace you think your saved through faith ?? you work for me
I give nothin' free
So work real hard fillin' your publishers card. Haven't you read
without works faith is dead
I am the enemy of the cross, Paul spoke of those who work
for me in the book of Philippians chapter 3
I transform myself into an angel of light, but the path that is
taken is never bright, and what has been learned is never right
I say I am hated because I am he, you never would guess
it really is me , that lead you like sand washed away by the sea
double post
wasblind> you sure "aint"blind you see very well.Your right.
Good points WasBlind, consistant with 2 Corinthians 4: 4-7