I would say we aren't but then again, most people in Europe in the 1930's thought another Great War would not happen based on the terrible cost from the first Great War.
Are we on the brink of another world war?
by slimboyfat 88 Replies latest social current
LOL, All this is just idle speculation from a bunch of 'armchair generals' still fighting the last war in their minds. There have always been disputes over these flyspeck islands- and that includes Taiwan- but they have always been resolved in the past. There is only a small possibility of armed conflict this year, and it may only involve a ship or some planes anyway. It will be whatever it will be, and no more.
A previous post had a pik of Natsuo Yamaguchi, leader of a coalition partner in Shinzo Abe's government, presenting a letter to new Chinese leader Xi Jinping. ( http://www.globaltimes.cn/index.html )
Whats been the reaction? A Chinese National TV seems to have some information.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas
The Malvinas were never an apt analogy for sparking off a world war. Argentina's strongest supporters at the time were Peru and Gaddafi's Libya. Israel also gave covert technical support due to Menachem Begin's past animosity with the British in Palestine. The only thing that would have caused a worldwide conflict in 1982 would have been a Soviet intervention, which was even more unlikely due to their involvement in Afghanistan.
I've read some British military experts sound off on how hopeless a new Falklands War would be for Britain. I think yes and no. The yes would be that they have no aircraft carriers they could use to mount a similar taskforce as they did in 1982. The no would be the brazen fact and monstrosity that is the Mount Pleasant RAF base. It is known locally as the 'Death Star', and has corridors that are kilometres long. It is heavily fortified with an estimated 1000 British troops. It would take an Argentine landing (under heavy British fire no doubt), airstrikes, and a prolonged land/air/water siege of the entire complex and its port. That's just not going to happen.
I don't want to be an alarmist or anything...
Just because there's a small struggle between two countries over who owns a small insignificant island.
Thats actually being an over the top disingenuous sensationalist.
Whats the problem Slimboy you getting a bit lonely and you need some attention.
You obviously learned something from the Watchtower Corporation in fear mongering.
I don't know SBF, Finkelstein. But he's not alone in expressing a fear of this issue being a spark to a larger war. As you may have read, I did not agree that it was likely to lead to a larger war. But that was only because I've been lucky enough to learn more about the history of the area.
And, (hopefully) this semester my understanding will expand a bit more. One of the study units I've signed up for is, Japan in East Asia from 1840 until Today. So it should be quite topical. I would have liked the time period to extend back a little more, At least to the late 16th Century, when Japan invaded Korea with the intention of attacking China. The Japanese armies nearly succeeded and were only repelled when the Chinese (Ming) entered the war.
The reasons for the Japanese invading Korea are disputed. It coul have been because of their own domestic situation, or maybe memories of their own danger during the earlier attempted (and failed) Mongol invasion of Japan, or maybe just being expansionary.
So it can be seen that national sentiments in East Asia may have deep roots.
Even if the situation turned into some kind of military effort, this doesn't not open the door for an all out world war.
This isn't the 20th century anymore.
Over the top sensationalism.
The tittled topic could fit on the front cover of a AWAKE magazine.