What a bunch of hypocrites.
I noticed there were no references to their own literature that has in the past fit each example of propaganda spreading hate, death, discrimination, dictatorship, supreme race, etc.
Sample from "How to Protect Yourself" [from propaganda]
"The work of the Witnesses is carried out in faithful obedience to Jesus Christ's mandate to his disciples: "You will be witnesses of me . . . to the most distant part of the earth." (Acts 1:8) Their work focuses solely and exclusively on the good news of the heavenly Kingdom—God's instrument for bringing peace to the whole earth.—"
They are "Jehovah's Witnesses, and WatchTower Witnesses, NOT Witnesses of Jesus and their focus on the heavenly kingdom is that there is no hope because all the seats have been taken, unless reading between the lines we see that the heavenly kingdom being God's instrument for bringing peace must be the WatchTower printing house in Brooklyn. If you're workin for 'em you're in heaven already! Right off the bat they misrepresent themselves.
unbelievable self-serving propaganda.