The Elephant in the Room

by skeeter1 12 Replies latest social family

  • skeeter1

    With a name like Skeeter, I have plenty of relatives that could be on a day-time paternity talk show. I talked with some this week. I shouldn't do that. Their lack of want to improve their situation drives me NUTS.

    18 years ago, relative Betty gets pregnant as a teenager, had a baby (we'll call her Mary), very quickly abandoned Mary to grandma, came back pregnant with another child 5 years later, grandma pays alot of Betty's & Mary's bills, grandma used to say that Betty was jealous of Mary (Mary is pretty, thin, and can do well in school. Betty the mother is morbidly obese, has a low paying job, but can be a happy person on the outside).

    Mary grows up, gets 21 year old boyfriend. The 21 year old boyfriend was allowed to live in Betty's house with Mary (which was bought by grandma). He had no job, no school, and no plans to better himself. Mary & he had nothing to do, but emphatically told everyone that they were not going to have sex and definately not going to get pregnant. You guesed it, in 2 months Mary was pregnant. She has baby, and he splits. No child support at all given to date. He doesn't love the baby, and now says he hates & never loved Mary.

    Mary has this baby, but grandma is always taking care of the baby. Mary isn't looking at school or a job, and refuses to get a driver's license despite being near 20 years old! Mary befriends another boy, and Betty allows him to move into the house with them. He has no place to go (boo-hoo). This second boyfriend has tattoos all over the place and a bull-ring in his nose. He's not in school and isn't looking for a job. Mary tells everyone that they are not having sex (even though they are left alone in the house for 9+ hours a day while Betty works at a job she hates). Mother Betty has not taken Mary to the ob-gyn to get on birth control. Grandma is in denial, touting that Mary says that she's not having sex and therefore doesn't need to go to the OB/GYN. Skeeter said, "Bull-hockey". Then, Grandma has said for 6 weeks that she might take Mary to the OB/GYN, but is waiting for Betty to do it. All admit that Mary was in deep depression after the birth, but no one would take her to a doctor. (Skeeter can't take Mary because Skeeter is over 1,500 miles away, thankfully). Grandma blames boyfriend #1 for Mary's problems, "He did a number on her . . . "

    What in the hell is going on?

    Is Betty so jealous of Mary's possibility of success, that Betty is sabatoging Mary by allowing these boyfriends to move in, one after the other, & have unprotected sex in the house?

    Is Mary's self esteem so shot from being abandoned by her mother Betty (and her father) that she's looking for love in all the wrong places?

    Is the grandma out of her freaking mind?


    God help me. I need a whiskey. Someone, just give me a hug?

  • rebel8


  • tec


  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer



  • jgnat

    I am convinced that hopelessness is the chief reason for teenage pregnancy. Where did Mary get the idea she can do no better? Denial. Denial is in there, too. No evil contraceptives for her.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    HUGS Skeeter

    Enjoy the whiskey x

  • perfect1

    This story accurately describes a situation I am associated with.

    If this is happening in a state with four vowels, none of which are an E, pm me and I will adopt the baby.

  • whathappened

    This is a situation that happens all too often. There are too many enablers in this world.

  • 00DAD


    <-------- there's a shot o' whiskey in there!

  • Defianttruth

    I knew a skeeter once. Also I know, Scooter, Jelly Bean, Snicker poo, Spook, Bubba, Crawfish, Catfish, and various others. Atleast, she was 18. My grandmother was a grandmother at 29. Do the math on that. When she died she was a living great great grandmother. The current generation of breeders live in a 30 Yearold trailer which has a hole in the floor big enough for the dogs to climb through. Non of them work and all are on welfare imagine that. Big empathetic hug.


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