Perfect1: They wouldn't hear of adoption (or abortion) of the baby. They "love their babies...." The grandparents were hinting that I adopt the baby for the first year, but I totally know that she'll just breed more & more & more.
Defiant: Yep, this crowd also lived in the dirtiest trailor park in the town. That's part of why grandma bought a house. But, I hear the house isn't too clean. I know that there is alot of welfare, social security, disability, and WIC goign into this house, and free medical & free cell phones too.
jgnat & whathappend: Denial and enablers. Yes, that's definately a center part of the problem.
all: Thanks for the hugs. It drives me absolutely nutty to see a group of people watch a train wreck in the making and not taking action. Can I change denial or enablers?