King Sol/Dave Perez is two different posters. King Sol got banned, came back as Dave Perez (lied about who he was and brought an entirely new persona to the forum), and also got banned. This was all very recent. You have a similar mannerism (not exact, but then, King Sol and Dave Perez had similar but not exact mannerisms too) So some (including me) wondered about it.
At least Aguest came out and asked you direct. One of the things I love about her.
Something you mentioned that i wanted to touch upon:
The entire bible is not scripture... so the verse: all scripture is inspired, does not refer to the entire bible. The bible, as we have it, was not even in existence at the time that was written. As well, it would not preclude (as you already know) translation and scribal errors due to their own misunderstandings.
No one is calling Paul a false prophet. Paul was a person, and people make mistakes. He owned up to his (sort of) regarding telling the people to shun the sinner in their midst, and in his next letter, saying he did that only to test if THEY would be loyal in all things, but told them to take that same 'sinner' back, and to comfort him.
Jeremiah 8:8 would also attest to the 'lying pen of the scribes who have handled the law falsely'.
Christ also said 'woe to you scribes' on a couple occassions.
Luke said that he investigated matters and wrote down an account for Theopholis... so there was nothing inspired (given to him in spirit) about his book. It was an orderly account based on the witnesses he spoke to and their accounts.
The testimonies in the bible DO point toward Christ... but these are not infallable. The Spirit is who teaches and guides us into all truth. Even if the bible were infallable... without the Spirit to open up the scriptures, it is just man interpreting as he always has, with all the mistakes and assumptions that he makes along the way... hence thousands of different denominations and interpretations.
We also do not have to disregard something just because it is not infallable... but we do have to test it. Against Christ, against love.
I don't want you to think that I disagree with all that you believe (you know that i do not, though we differ in our understandings of the body and bride), but I wanted to offer the above for your consideration.
Much peace to you,