14 months after printing the "Steve and Selma" article, guess what the Society's latest Awake is about...
by cedars 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
This from page 9...
Why do some wives choose to remain with a violent mate? A common reason is that they fear the abuse will get worse if they leave. Some husbands have threatened to harm or even kill their wife if she tried to escape. A number have carried out that threat.
Others have hesitated to leave because they fear that their friends and relatives would turn against them, refusing to believe that the situation at home was so severe. For example, Isabel, whose experience is referred to at the outset of this article, left her husband. She states: “My sister was angry with me and urged me to return to him —she did not believe that such a ‘good’ man could be so cruel. The entire neighborhood shunned me, and I was forced to move away with my children.”
Still other reasons why some wives choose to stay are:
- They want their children to grow up with both parents.
- They worry about being able to support themselves and their children financially.
- They erroneously believe that they are to blame.
- They are ashamed to admit that they are being abused.
- They hope the situation will improve.
Jehovah’s Witnesses hold to the Bible standard that the only ground for divorce is adultery. (Matthew 5:32) However, there are circumstances that might move some to separate, including the extreme conduct of a physically abusive mate.
So basically, there IS no "end" to the consequences of domestic abuse. If you lose the JW marriage lottery and marry an abusive spouse, your will remain married to them forever.
It's also interesting that they should mention shunning - like that's not something they encourage.
Also from page 9...
Jehovah’s Witnesses, the publishers of this magazine, believe that the Bible’s practical advice can help violent spouses change their behavior. Is such a reversal easy? No. Is it possible? Yes! Bible education has helped many to replace a violent disposition with one of kindness and respect. (Colossians 3:8-10) Consider the experience of Troy and Valerie.
So there you have it folks, if "Troy and Valerie" can use the Bible to rehabilitate a wife-beater, so can EVERYONE!!
Cedars - has Selma slipped back into her old ways and brazenly provoking her poor husband to hit her? I feel sorry for the chap - he's had to endure years of beating his wife while she gets away scott free.
Or is this new light?
"•They erroneously believe that they are to blame." It is new light! So a victim of domestic abuse may not be totally at fault?! Wonder how many sisters have endured domestic violence as a result of the WBTS recommendation to sit tight and win the abuser over? 5 million sisters - 1 in 4 women experience domestic abuse - maybe over a million sisters this could affect? Wow - good find Cedars! 14 months before they improve their shocking attitude to something less shocking. Tis wouold have been in planning for months so not long after JWN slams the WBTS policies they start planning to bring out new light. mmxiv
Well spotted MMXIV. The third bullet point in that list represents a complete U-turn to the implication presented in the "Steve and Selma" experience, namely that it's the wife's responsibility to be more loving if she wants to prevent abuse.
Obviously, it's great that they now show the correct viewpoint in their PUBLIC magazine, but there is no attempt to explain or apologise for their contradictory statements 14 months earlier in their "members only" magazine in the interests of continuity. I think you can call that an outstanding example of duplicity.
wha happened?
yea right. Read the bible and u get cured. What a load of horse shit
They neglect to mention one reason why victims of domestic abuse don't leave their abusive partner is that their religion tells them not to contact the police but instead go to the elders as it's their own fault and instead spend decades trying to win them over.
There are victims of abuse on JWN who asked for help from the Elders and were not believed, not supported, were shunned by friends and family for contacting the police and speaking out.
Anyone who is suffering domestic or severe emotional abuse (male or female) - there is support for you - contact the police or social services - it is the only way to end the cycle. It is hard to take this step but please do! JW elders are not qualified to help you.
wha happened?
JW elders aren't qualified in the least sense of the word.
wha happened?
This article actually just started another argument at home. Why? Because my idiot JW wife is aloof of these articles because she doesn't read anything, unless I point it out. Then she nods her head and that's it. Sees how terrible the point is and yet just takes it.
I can't stand being around people that sit there with their thumb up their ass and won't help themselves.
I don't even ask anymore. I just do what I feel is best. I used to make accomodations for her but I'm done. It doesn't work, they still think I'm going to "come around."