14 months after printing the "Steve and Selma" article, guess what the Society's latest Awake is about...

by cedars 94 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Peace@50+

    · Cedars: Thank you for starting this thread!

    I happened to see this magazine in a Laundromat. (I guess people really do read them while doing laundry!) I’ve stopped attending meetings for well over a year, when I finally had enough of the double talk about abuse issues. Well, I decided to take a look to see what the flavor-of-the-week was in reference to spousal abuse. I was very disturbed by page #9 and the bullet points. Usually bullet points are a checklist of some sort, attempting to prove a point.

    Then I read the part about the ‘neighborhood shunning’, I had a moment of cognitive dissonance. “Neighborhood shunning? No. the only shunning I had was from those WITHIN the “loving”, organization. When I snapped out of it, I realized that it was more double-speak and hidden messages about leaving. Also that it WAS a checklist for abused Witnesses to use for reasons to remain in the abusive situation!

    As with many of us raised in ‘the truth’ there are times when we wonder about our own reasoning on matters. It was a comfort to read this thread, because it was exactly what I was thinking. Thank you all for posting! It validated my reasoning.

    It also appeared to me from the article, that again they are flip-flopping over the 3 reasons that one can obtain an unscriptural divorce and the other articles that have been outlined in this thread. How many people will take a hard line against leaving and stay in a terrible situation. What they don’t tell you is that even though you have valid reasons for getting an unscriptural divorce, you WILL be shunned!

    · Lois: I agree. I’ve faded and am finally happy and at peace. My ex is still behind the literature counter and aux. pioneering. But who cares? They could make him part of the Governing Body and I could care less! Now is time to begin again!

    · Joyfulfader. Ironically, you wrote about my situation. Funny, but besides escaping with my health and sanity, I never thought about protecting other women by an unscriptural divorce. I guess there are more positives than I realized.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    First, never start a sentence with "however." Second, they can't write some bs about these reasons. Lip service only. There is no way for women to implement this in their daily lives. Third, I clearly recall Steve and Selma, altho I call it Selma and Steve. The WT never revealed whether Steve stopped beating Selma when he converted to being a JW. Well, enquiring minds want to know? Did Steve stop beating the crap out of Selma? Did he stop the emotional abuse?

    Wow, I bet Bethel wants five gold stars for running that paragraph.

  • sd-7

    'The beatings will continue until morale improves' sounds like the message here.

    It's peculiar. Common sense would override in every other situation. If you were coming down the same street every day and got beat up by someone, even if they didn't leave any marks, you might decide, if you could, to just take a different route home, or maybe call the cops, or something else rational. But you come home and get beat every day, and the Watchtower's grand plan for you is wait until it becomes a death match, and THEN leave. (Guess they had to ban self-defense to avoid a scenario like the movie 'Enough', too...)

    The fact that people will ignore even basic survival instincts on account of this literature is an indication of just how dangerous it really is.


  • cognac

    Funny, cause the only reason I stayed in my first abusive marriage was because of being a JW. I rightly believed he was cheating on me so stayed to try to catch him cheating because I would have rather been dead then be stuck with him forever.... Fortunately, I succeded in time. And now he is an MS...

  • AnneB

    sd-7 wrote:

    If you were coming down the same street every day and got beat up by someone, even if they didn't leave any marks, you might decide, if you could, to just take a different route home, or maybe call the cops, or something else rational. But you come home and get beat every day

    Isn't this a description of bullying? Of the interaction between bullies and their victims?

    Is the implication here that WT/JW's sets up its adherents to submit to bullying without recourse?

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