New here and just sick!

by msconcerned 103 Replies latest jw friends

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I just want everyone to know I am NOT an apostate….i have not turned my back on Jehovah.

    Of course you haven't!!! Many of us here have not turned our backs on God either! In fact we have chosen to be loyal to God over everything, even an organization that claims to be His ONLY representatives.

    Remember that there are many that did this in the Bible. Jesus would've been considered an apostate according to WT standards. He would've been disfellowshipped for His speaking out against the Jewish leaders. He completely went against the teachings from men and what was considered to be God's organization back in His day. He was loyal to TRUTH over any organization.

    The OT prophets too were loyal to God OVER any type of organization. Jeremiah spoke against what really WAS God's organization back in his day because of the lies that they were teaching. He was abused and humiliated for it.

    Remember that we need to be loyal to truth over all things. Be determined to follow truth whereever it leads you. Also remember that it is lies, not truth, that hide from close examination. Truth has nothing to fear from questions, examination, and research.

    You'll find a great group of people here. Some are elders and MS's. Some have faded. Some are fully out. There is a perspective for nearly everyone here. You were conditioned to be afraid to talk to people that have questioned the organization. But again, truth has nothing to fear. If someone is telling lies about the organization, it will come out and be easily discoverable. You will find that people that are questioning the organization are not so scary and evil as you were always told.

    Anyway, WELCOME, MSconcerned!!!

  • msconcerned

    Gopher - This is the link to the video that has a small explination. Just messes up my head.

  • Gopher

    MS, that change about the FDS doesn't surprise me a lot as the WT hierarchy does really want to direct attention to itself as some sort of intermediary between people and God. When I was a younger and a JW, I always thought the mystical FDS being all the anointed somehow didn't make sense since the GB itself speaks for the organization and positions itself as the channel.

    I'm not religious now, so I won't be a lot of help about the true meaning of Christianity. But I would think that it would be following the example of Christ in terms of love of neighbor and being conscientious to the extent possible. I don't think it would necessarily be following an organization - remember Psalms 146:3, 4 about not putting your trust in man to whom no salvation belongs.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    MSconcerned, this "new light" has been discussed VERY thoroughly on this board from nearly every angle. Use the "search" feature above. It has been thoroughly dissected and discussed. You may find the implications of this "light" interesting...

  • Hortensia

    Welcome. Take it easy. Keep exploring and asking questions.

    You'll be all right, and you will become a wiser person.

  • Gopher

    Thanks for the link, MS. It's interesting how religious leaders seem to always draw attention to THEMSELVES and THEIR TIME as the special ones. JW leaders aren't the only ones who make such claims.

  • jam

    Welcome Misconcerned, how long have you been with us?

  • Londo111

    Welcome, brother!

    I love Jehovah too. I love Jehovah’s Witnesses…as individuals. However, I accept no designation but Christian and do not choose to divide off my association based on denomination. We are not monsters. We are not mentally diseased. We are not villains. Never forget: Jesus was accused of apostasy, as was the Apostle Paul, and the early Christians.

    Apostate is a label, part of the loaded language that prevents meaningful dialog. The very word is designed to put fear in the hearts of listeners. It creates Information Control.

    Far from being full of lies, half-truths and misrepresentations, we are simply people who love truth. This is why we can no long follow the Organization.

    Look into 607. Open the Daniel book, look for the page that says, “Prophetic Time Periods in Daniel.” Using Excel, verify the starting and end points for the 1260, 1290, 2300 days. Ask yourself--why don't these add up?

    Research, Research, Research. The more you research, the more truth will stand up to it, the more a lie will fall apart.

  • 00DAD

    So how could the Governing Body, and ONLY the Governing Body, be "The Faithful and Discreet Slave" when they have been wrong about their own identity for the last 93 years?

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton


    This a great place to get some perspective and freely question all your doubts with no fear of reprisals.

    We have a wide variety of reasons for posting here.

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