Who currently owns Beth Sarim?
Visited Beth Sarim today
by exwhyzee 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals
What about the rumors of Rutherford being buried under the foundation in the garage?
I am glad your sister-in-law went along ... it will help on her personal growth and destroy any stronghold still lingering ...
So nice of you to make sure she knew she had a place in your house. I tell all my nieces and nephews trapped in that Organization the same - they have a place in my house if they ever want to get away from that cult.
you guys think that the governing body don't have a house like this today?
What do you think they built the "hawaiian educational facility" for?
they share some sassy taste, just like king Obama
"hawaiian educational facility", Need photo please.
And Beth Shan?
Scott77: Private family.
Las Malvinas son Argentinas: I've thought about printing out the old Watchtower's (see archive.org for scans of originals, or list here) and mailing them to my parents house. Maybe they'd read the Watchtower?
Rutherford died in 1942 in San Diego in a mansion he'd named "Beth Sarim"—that I have yet to go see. The "Salvation" book (1939) explains that in 1929 they built the "House of Princes". In 1930, The Golden Age printed the deed.
Beth Sarim & Beth Shan in San Diego
Hey I live right around the corner too. Should have gotten a burger around the corner from there.
Beth Sarim is privately owned, and the owners are aware of the history, don't care, and do not like it when you ask them for a tour.
Your comment is startling. How is a mansion built for resurrected princes of the earth that the President of the religion summers in not newsworthy? I mean.......I am not sure that even needs explanation.
My understanding is that it is owned by an attorney who is well-aware of its significance. It has received some sort of designation as a historical landmark.
I bet someone, somewhere, is living far better than Rutherford did, by slurping money out of the WTBTS corporations. It could be done in many ways, and given this organization's dishonest past and present, it's likely that someone (not the GB) is reaping immense profits from the WTBTS' exploitation of the "Great Crowd" of pigeons.
It has been bought and sold a couple of times. i saw an older couple there when i went by.