MsGrowingGirl, you have to think carefully here. Best advice even for those of us intent on maintaining our relationship with God, is to try and take time out away from any religions while we're still vulnerable and healing from the false religion of the WTBS. All religions have their own doctrines which determine what you 'should' believe. For me I prefer to stay out of them, men distort God and I've lost trust and am reluctant to endanger my relationship with my God again.
Having said all that I have some lovely friends who are Pentecostals who don't ever pressure me to join either. As has been said, a retreat is like it says on the tin, a place away of withdrawal from society to pray, worship, etc. it might be difficult to find yourself isolated there amongst people who have new and strong beliefs that you're not a part of. Whatever path you choose next needs to be very carefully analysed and thought out so as to spare you from further hurt or disappointment, that takes time.
Loz x