yet another newbie..
by ragnarok75 34 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for the warm welcome,
I should perhaps clarify that my daughter is living with her mom,but we're good friends and I'm very much involved (and intend to be) in my daughter's life.
@jgnat That's agood advice,I could try something like that.
@cantleave If i remember correctly,you're a Southampton lad,so here's hoping the Saints avoid relegation
man oh man
Welcome, hey it aint to late to get involved with sports, maybe help with coaching that could really bring satisfaction.
Newly Enlightened
Welcome, I LOVe seeing all the Newbies to this site.
My mom and the rest of the family have indeed met my girl and will meet again in a couple of months.They have taken it quite well,even if there was some pleading in the beginning for me to go back to the meetings "so she could be saved on my account as she's too young to be judged on her own".That's how delusional my family is.Despite all the failed predictions and super-ridiculous generation definitions they still believed that Armageddon is coming so soon that my girl is not gonna be old enough to make up her own mind by then.
I made it clear to them that if jehova sees fit to slaughter my girl then I see no reason to worship him as he ain't that loving then and surely he can read that from my heart and give me the same ticket as he's gonna give my girl,where ever that may be.
Glad you're free. Thanks for sharing your story.
RAGNAROK- Welcome to the board my friend. Glad you are here. Don't feel alone in feeling you waited too long to leave the JW's- I didn't stop until age 44 - 9 years ago. And I was raised in it from birth as well. The main thing friend is you have your freedom of mind now and can help your young daughter to attain the same freedom in her life. Good luck to you ! And we are here as a support to you, O.K. ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Welcome !
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Wecome ragnarok75. If you want better communication with your JW family and friends, have you read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control", "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves", and (his latest) "Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults and Beliefs") or visited Steve Hassan's website? Even watching a video of Steve Hassan, might give you ideas.
Something as simple as asking your mother to put herself in your shoes, might help her to see your point of view.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,