yet another newbie..

by ragnarok75 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kool Jo
    Kool Jo

    Welcome aboard!


    Kool Jo

  • mrquik

    Welcome R75; Good to hear you got out when you did. Many of us have lost 40- 50 yrs. in this cult. At 30, you will have a great life ahead of you. Live Well......Enjoy Life.

  • ragnarok75

    I wish I had gotten familiar with Steven Hassan earlier.I haven't yet read his books but have seen his u tube vids.Now it may be too late to try and use his techniques with my mom as she flat out refuses to talk to me about any religious or spiritual matter.

    She even once grabbed a wt magazine out of my hands as I was reading it.I was just silently reading it and didn't say a word,but she said she can't have me reading it "because I have a wrong attitude".

  • whathappened

    What a dear young man you are. You are just a few years older than my daughter. Enjoyed reading your story. Welcome.

  • ABibleStudent

    ragnarok75 - She even once grabbed a wt magazine out of my hands as I was reading it.I was just silently reading it and didn't say a word,but she said she can't have me reading it "because I have a wrong attitude".

    Hi ragnarok75, First read Steve Hassan's latest book, make a plan, practise your plan, and then pick up another WTBTS magazine or make a comment about some other Dangerous Cult in your mother's presence. Can you attend an exjw meetup group in your area or can you form one to practise your plan with other exJWs? Remember JWs are predictable so be flexible on how you awaken her.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Borges


  • soft+gentle

    Hi ragnarok75 - welcome

  • smiddy

    Welcome R75 , enjoy your stay

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz


    never to old to wake a side note, tell your mother, with a laugh in your voice "oh mother, the paradise is THIS life you know, the WT paradise is just a silly dream"


  • flipper

    RAG- Welcome again ! Welcome these newbies baby ! BTTT ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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